Recent content by Tio Chico

  1. Tio Chico

    SV OU Ogerpon-Cornerstone Webs (peaked 1868 ELO)

    :Kingambit::Ogerpon_Cornerstone: :Kingambit::Ogerpon_Cornerstone:
  2. Tio Chico

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    Funny/sad how Palossand would have a niche, but is brutally overwhelmed by all 4 threats on your ban wishlist in your Signature. But yeah, no business for Eleki while Tera Blast is here imo
  3. Tio Chico

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    Although I tend to be pro-ban/anti unban for almost everything, this post by Delibird Heart is very good. Of course we will see some "epic" Weakness Police sweeps in the middle of the ladder, but it is a Psychic type without Psychic Noise, Trick or Stored Power. Its best setup moves are...
  4. Tio Chico

    Metagame Views From The Council [ SEE POST 716 ]

    While I appreciate the Council's commitment to being alert to Pecharunt's rise, I want to warn about the possibility of another Walking Wake case, where after a brief rise and suspected, it was deemed manageable and is now far from any radar. I'm not saying to take our eyes off Pecharunt. But we...
  5. Tio Chico

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    The problem with abstention is that voting is not really a contribution, and the badge is not called Suspects Participant. And yes, I agree that a minority gets reqs for TC purposes, but even some of them seek to vote in a way that contributes to development for the tier, when decided and...
  6. Tio Chico

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    If you want to show that you are still undecided after qualifying, make a post in the qualified discussion section expressing the points of why a qualified player is still undecided about the target, and do not vote. Suggest that other undecided qualified players do the same. You will not...
  7. Tio Chico

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    The next target, if there is enough support for it, needs to be something with as little divergence as possible, even if you don't consider it the biggest threat in the metagame, consider it as a possible advancement for the tier. I'm in favor of Kyurem, the metagame was not only better without...
  8. Tio Chico

    Proposal Re-suspect testing Kyurem in SV OU after irregularities affected its result

    If Palafin is kept in Ubers, I will be in favor of a new suspect in Kyurem, not because of the fraud or because of a result between 50-60% that causes discord in part of the community. My main reason is that Kyurem has continued to develop and adapt. During its suspect, the biggest complaint was...
  9. Tio Chico

    Palafin Suspect -- Qualified Discussion

    My opinion on Palafin. Its cost-benefit of losing a turn by switching is highly compensated by the massive stat gain. Raw power and bulk setup potential put the tier on alert with yet another among so many threats that we already need to prepare for. We already have strong revenge killers like...
  10. Tio Chico

    Proposal RE: OU Retest Timelines/Implementation

    First, thank you for your transparency and for your constant attempts to optimize our experience with the game. Unfortunately, there was no success, but there was certainly learning. You did not hesitate to admit mistakes, things like QB Volcarona DLC1 being premature, and you are always open to...
  11. Tio Chico

    Partially Implemented SV OU Suspect Reform

    Although my last post was one of the most recent, the suspect period ends tomorrow with the vote starting on Saturday, so I want to bring my last two cents. One of the main arguments for the new method is that players who were able to obtain reqs previously are still able to do so now, just...
  12. Tio Chico

    Project SV OU Teambuilding Competition (Indigo Disk Edition) (Week 16: Lokix)

    Lokix Screens :Grimmsnarl::Lokix::Manaphy::Gholdengo::Maushold::Great_Tusk: ngl, I had a team with Kingambit and... I switched to :Lokix:.:psysly: Bulk :Manaphy: is insane with screens, :Gholdengo: is almost an automatic win for Stall without Clodsire, CCloak for Garganacl, and also takes...
  13. Tio Chico

    Partially Implemented SV OU Suspect Reform

    I had the same problem with both Gliscor and Palafin races: Facing 4 or 5 players more than once, with the same team, especially in the final stretch 1600+. The second battle added nothing to my experience. Finding battles from 1650 onwards has become increasingly time-consuming. The new system...
  14. Tio Chico

    Project SV OU Teambuilding Competition (Indigo Disk Edition) (Week 16: Lokix)

    Someone needs to do the unpopular job! :Pecharunt::Blissey::Dondozo::Gliscor::Clefable::Clodsire: :Pecharunt: dedicated as reinforcement against Kingambit. 28 EV speed to outspeed Jolly. +6 252+ Atk Dread Plate Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Tera Dark Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 228+...