Recent content by themonkeydidit

  1. themonkeydidit

    okie doke

    okie doke
  2. themonkeydidit

    I think that will work but if you’re open to going a bit later that would be better

    I think that will work but if you’re open to going a bit later that would be better
  3. themonkeydidit

    Tournament NDBD I - Week Seven

    won gg
  4. themonkeydidit

    yea 630 is fine

    yea 630 is fine
  5. themonkeydidit

    i guess we have to lol, 6pm your time good?

    i guess we have to lol, 6pm your time good?
  6. themonkeydidit

    i'm gmt -5, also gonna be gone this weekend so that's perfect. 6pm thursday your time?

    i'm gmt -5, also gonna be gone this weekend so that's perfect. 6pm thursday your time?
  7. themonkeydidit

    Tournament NDBD I - Week Six

    won gg
  8. themonkeydidit

    on as themonkeydidit

    on as themonkeydidit
  9. themonkeydidit

    yeah that works

    yeah that works
  10. themonkeydidit

    hey when do you want to play for ndbd? weekend would be best for me im gmt -5

    hey when do you want to play for ndbd? weekend would be best for me im gmt -5
  11. themonkeydidit

    yo you posted the room link by accident, this is the replay...

    yo you posted the room link by accident, this is the replay:
  12. themonkeydidit

    on as themonkeydidit if you want to start a bit early

    on as themonkeydidit if you want to start a bit early
  13. themonkeydidit

    works for me

    works for me
  14. themonkeydidit

    i'm -5 as well, could do early saturday/sunday evening if that works

    i'm -5 as well, could do early saturday/sunday evening if that works
  15. themonkeydidit

    on as themonkeydidit

    on as themonkeydidit