Recent content by The Zororoaster

  1. Hail: More Than Anti-Metagame Idealism

    Overcoat Foretress seems like the perfect spinner on any Hail-based team. Absorbs those pesky Fighting time moves decently enough as well. Another two interesting options are Breloom and Gliscor, as they have Poison Heal they are not hurt by hail. Gliscor in particular would make a good...
  2. False Prediction (OU Balanced Surprise)

    Standard moves on a Ferrothorn: Leech Seed, T-Wave, Spikes, Gyro Ball, Power Whip. Heatran is usually people's go-to Ferrothorn switch in. You predict a Heatran switch in and go for Bulldoze, now your opponent has no Heatran. None of your other moves can do anything if Heatran switches in, and...
  3. False Prediction (OU Balanced Surprise)

    Put Focus Blast on Gengar over Sludge Wave, provides near perfect coverage with those two moves alone. Put Bulldoze over Payback on Gengar. Gyroball hits Gengars really hard already, and Bulldoze is neccessary for Heatran. Other than that I would only say this. All you really need is one...
  4. Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    @cantab I reccomend using this combo of challenges for your mid-game challenge: -You may only heal once per Pokemon Center -Whenever you use an item in battle, you must use it again on the next turn -You can only buy 3 items from any individual Poke Mart. Keep in mind that when you buy those 3...
  5. Do you prefer newer or older games?

    Older! But I really like the remakes. -RBY are awesome, though I'm pretty sure I just feel this for nostalgic purposes, they are fun to run through super fast, totally flawed, totally awesome. -GSC are my favorite, I just feel so immersed in the world, playing it again though, it is very easy...
  6. Hardest Relative NPC

    1.Rocket in Mt. Moon with that Ratticate with Hyper Fang "Oh look a Rocket, easy money." Gets swept. 2. North of Vermillion City there is a trainer who has a high level Buttefree with Sleep Powder and Supersonic, and he does not follow Sleep Clause. 3. Whitney's Miltank, sans Machop. 4. Claire...
  7. Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    Accepted. This should lead to a few interesting party changes as the game progresses, and at the very least will prevent me from using strategic TMs to sweep everyone. You got my name wrong. Accepted, at least it isn't a Bidoof. I'm not sure how the new BW experience mechanics will effect...
  8. Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    Espeon65, When facing Tate and Liza you can only use moves that hit multiple targets, like Earthquake and Surf. However you are not allowed to use Surf :) Protip: Use Bubble ;)
  9. NU Viability Ranking

    I...see your point. I might start using Lickilicky, and can definitely see why everyone else would want to. I really need T-Wave support to help my Gorebyss sweep though, so I might use Regirock. Stealth Rock support + TWave + 100 SpD + 100 Attack from the start. I don't suppose we can at...
  10. Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    Hello everyone! I would first just like to say that I love the idea of Gauntlet challenges, I saw them when they first came out, but I am just now really reading it. I bought Pokemon Black a long time ago to do Wi-Fi battles, but never really got into the single-player. It was just too easy...
  11. Hello there

    Hello there
  12. Reduced PP

    I predict...a boring metagame. The PP is too far reduced. 3 PP for ThunderPunch, Psychic, ect. Not enough to net a kill with even a minor amount of switching. If people use weaker moves with more PP it will be pointless because then you will just have to use more of that move to net KO's. In the...
  13. NU Viability Ranking

    Regigigas should not be D rank, plain and simple. He has base 110/110/110 defenses, a normal typing, great for special walling, and can run a Sub + T-Wave set to generally cripple Pokemon on the opponents teams. He can stand head to head with basically every single special offensive threat on...
  14. Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

    My name does not appear on the Top 100, even when I am on there.
  15. Gothitelle Discussion

    I've faced about a dozen of these today. They are ANNOYING! It can totally put a wrench in a person's battle plan and can break all my favorite walls. I will definitely be looking behind my shoulder for this in the future.