Recent content by The Mega Lotad

  1. The Mega Lotad

    monomite's art thread

    Glad I was lead here by Smogon's Facebook page. What I can definitely talk about is how you created your Dedenne. The way you designed it is great. If you make a series of drawings/illustrations/shenanigans in the style of that Dedenne, you'd probably get a lot of notes/likes/etc. The cutesy...
  2. The Mega Lotad

     Art Contest: Smogon's Front Page Images

    Alrighty So I've got three Pokeys. I'll be doing Mega Gyarados, Mega Altaria, and Mega Lopunny. Gyarados and Altaria are pretty set, if anybody has any recommendations or what not it'd be appreciated. Lopunny is really a work in progress right now. Is this too much booty? Honestly need...
  3. The Mega Lotad

    Calling all artists! Facebook needs you!

    I'll go ahead and post my Gengar. I like Gengar a lot, so by the time this PoTW releases I may replace this one with another Gengar drawing. Or I may just revisit this one, make a few adjustments, or something. I guess you can go ahead and call this a WIP honestly. But anyways, here it is:
  4. The Mega Lotad

    Calling all artists! Facebook needs you!

    I'll take Gengar, if it's still open.
  5. The Mega Lotad

    The Mega Lotad's Art Thread

    Hey there! My requests have to be commission based, unfortunately. The funds will seriously help me have the time to put out more artwork.
  6. The Mega Lotad

    The Mega Lotad's Art Thread

    Hey all, thanks for the feedback and such! I'm currently working on completing an illustrated Kalos dex now! You can follow the progress on my blog here, or check back here soon when I'm all finished. Here's a few previews of what I've added!
  7. The Mega Lotad

    The Mega Lotad's Art Thread

    It is time to "raise the roof," for here I am, again, with an update. One of my favorite Mega evolutions. It's fantastic that they buffed this bird. Sure, Talonfloop is still the reigning champion of the great battling realms, but Mega Pidgeot is... great. Really great Pokemon with an awesome...
  8. The Mega Lotad

    i'm draw good arts

    can you please draw mega weedle
  9. The Mega Lotad

    The Mega Lotad's Art Thread

    In addition to this, I'll be throwing in my most recent portfolio. Alas, there are no Pokemon illustrations. In an attempt to snag a title that's a bit more tucked away in the world of animation, storyboarding, and the such, I'm assembling a growing, live portfolio of original works. Some things...
  10. The Mega Lotad

    Follow the fun,

    Follow the fun,
  11. The Mega Lotad

    Linking to my newest portfolio ya'll. HERE WE GO:

    Linking to my newest portfolio ya'll. HERE WE GO:
  12. The Mega Lotad

    The Mega Lotad's Art Thread

    Here I am again, bringing you the latest news and stuff! I actually forgot to post my Diggersby illustration, so I figure I'll link that one. I've also got my Mega Metagross one from a ways back, so here they are:
  13. The Mega Lotad

    The Mega Lotad's Art Thread

    Wowzers. Can't believe it's been since September since my last update. Anywho, I'll slowly post from time to time, especially like tonight. I've got something, one of my most recent works. This was a really rad sticker I handed out at Katsucon, and I'm hoping I can assemble a shirt or something...
  14. The Mega Lotad

    Calling all artists! Facebook needs you!

    I'll keep an eye out. I've got this thread watched now.