Recent content by Shinto7654

  1. Shinto7654

    Smogon haters

    Truest Smogon hater and his crew: Sadly the true master Ryuumaru and Jesus Christ couldn't have their images saved, but oh well, just being able to use the wayback machine to recover as many as I could was way more then...
  2. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    IDK, why are you crying over laughing emoji's lol
  3. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    If you seriously think you making memes insulting and targetting specific people somehow was the reason senior members started talking, then I don't think anything will get through to you and that massive, but intensely fragile at the same time ego. You know, there's probably a reason why stuff...
  4. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    Coming from the person that specifcally made multiple posts with memes mocking other people, whining about getting laugh emoji reactions is super pathetic, but also funny hypocrisy lol
  5. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    I mean, you made serious arguments trying to say the act of banning a Pokemon from being used in OU is the same as directly modifying a game carts mechanics, so trying to call other stuff iffy feels just a wee bit hypocritical, just saying
  6. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    Lol what, where is this magical mass movement of people not taking Smogon seriously
  7. Shinto7654

    Project SV NU Player Interviews- Week 3 - Shengineer

    1.) Do you own any Tatsugiri plushes (preferably with cool shades)? 2.) For a newer player that wants to try and build their own teams and not use samples, what kind of archtype would you recommend they do? 3.) piggybacking off of Machineae's question about who isn't being spammed enough...
  8. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    IDK, telling someon else to feel bad about their posts when you seriously tried to say that Diglett running Fissure when it literally couldn't because of OHKO Clause was a reason why it was an issue and banned was super funny lol
  9. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    Then make the same kind of arbitrary game modifcations for them that sleep has now lol. OHKO moves don't work after getting 1 kill with them, and evasion can't be stacked above like, +2 or whatever (so Minimize isn't defacto banned as a result). Also, saying that sleep isn't like being OHKOed...
  10. Shinto7654

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    You can make the same exact argument with OHKO moves and Evasion. Realistically, there isn't that many Pokemon that learn OHKO moves that also are Pokemon you : a.) would even want to use in an OU match b.) Would want to try and fish for the chance rather then run something way more reliable So...
  11. Shinto7654

    Warstory: lol I just got reqs

    And here I was thinking we would get a good, long narrated text story like the warstory's of old. Why you gotta blueball me like this Also, Hippowdon not EQing was a big skill issue
  12. Shinto7654

    We only have one life

    Tell god he's a bitch on your way down
  13. Shinto7654

    Metagame Views From The Council

    The r/stunfisk mains in the thread don't really like to think that hard, don't mind them
  14. Shinto7654

    Metagame Views From The Council

    Was the most important part the badly formatted quoting of the tiering policy shit you did? Or trying to act like banning sleep requires it sleep to be having cataclysmic levels of meta ruining power in order to be a legitimate thing to discuss? Because neither one of those are very good points...
  15. Shinto7654

    Metagame Views From The Council

    Please actually point this stuff out in gen 9 OU (so nothing like freeze clause in older gens and whatever gross shit Gen 1 has because the playerbase was too entrenched and dumb to ban Counter) that is the same as Sleep Clause. And HP percentage isn't a valid answer because it is a thing that...