Recent content by Sensory

  1. Sensory

    Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament IX - Cycle 1 Signups

    Forum name: Sensory Cycle 1 Alt: LT91BB Sensory Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  2. Sensory

    6 pm?

    6 pm?
  3. Sensory

    BW BW OU Summer Seasonal #4: Round 1

    activity; my opponent doesnt answer
  4. Sensory


  5. Sensory

    Resource SS UU Crown Tundra Viability Ranking Thread

    Registeel -> B+ Regardless of what people think its clear that registeel can win on preview and even be a huge threat in some games. It has shown that many teams can be swept by it instantly once it comes in and it gets many opportunities to setup such as on amoonguss, tang, scarf drei, 3...
  6. Sensory

    Metagame SS OU Metagame Discussion Thread v7 (Usage Stats in post #3539)

    Am I the only one with trouble with teleport? It just feel wrong and uncompetitive as a move. It really throws off the balance of pivoting. When someone uses it against me I always feel a step behind no matter the play I do and when I use it against someone teleporting out it the most play 90%...
  7. Sensory

    Smogon Charity Bowl III - Signups

  8. Sensory

    Hey, you may take the win.

    Hey, you may take the win.
  9. Sensory

    Official Smogon Tournament XVIII - Round 3-B

    claiming activity against frexa, he is online but doesnt answer me anymore
  10. Sensory

    Im here probably for the rest of the evening, feel free to challenge me.

    Im here probably for the rest of the evening, feel free to challenge me.