Recent content by Pyritie

  1. Pyritie

    Resource VGC Regulation H Viability Rankings

    do you have any results from tournaments where it's done well? this isn't the thread for theorymon
  2. Pyritie

    Resource VGC Regulation H Viability Rankings

    flamigo needs to go way up, it was massively slept on but: * fighting/flying stabs hit a ton of things * scrappy makes it immune to intimidate and can hit ghold * wide guard is good * it also has tailwind if you want downside is it's frail as hell so it kind of needs a sash, and its speed is...
  3. Pyritie

    Resource VGC: Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer

    also mienshao has fake out
  4. Pyritie

    VGC 2024 Regulation F Metagame Discussion

    ttar's old buddy excadrill is finally back at least
  5. Pyritie


    then just play a different game? maybe this one isn't for you??? criminally slept on
  6. Pyritie


    love the part where everyone just made shit up on twitter and accepted it as true lmao, pokemon fans hella mad
  7. Pyritie

    VGC 2023 Metagame Discussion: Regulation E

    iron hands did not need to learn supercell slam, it's going to be even sillier
  8. Pyritie

    VGC 2023 Metagame Discussion: Regulation E

    shoutouts to grass/rockpon being the only forms to make it to top 4
  9. Pyritie

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v3

    talonflame would like to know your location
  10. Pyritie


  11. Pyritie

    Pokémon Wyrdeer

    why a brave nature if you're also boosting speed?
  12. Pyritie

    Pokémon Kleavor

    Aerial Ace also might be worth mentioning since it's also sharpness boosted and hits fighting types that resist its STABs.
  13. Pyritie

    Pokémon Ursaluna

    could you remove the text coloring from the pros/cons section? it's unreadable on the dark theme
  14. Pyritie

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion

    eldegoss has both apparently, though it's not in SV
  15. Pyritie

    Resource VGC: Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer

    Watching streams of tournaments like on is a good way to get familiar with the metagame and the commentary can give some insight as to what the teams are doing or why the players make the decisions they do. There's also youtube channels like cybertronVGC who are also great at...