Recent content by pasak1987

  1. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    -Because of the frequent AI preference for the most powerful move it can KO an opponent with, be aware that it will try to KO foes at 3 HP with Focus Blast, or finish off a Sturdy poke with Leaf Storm after eating its White Herb, and so on. I couldn't agree more. I've seen my AI partner...
  2. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    thanks =) oh, I know they weren't really *cheating*. Considering the number of battles we play on battle maison, it is mathematically inevitable for those RNG hexes to happen. I'm just..being a drama queen I guess? As for burn/ para hex, I actually managed to ignore those problems with...
  3. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    go to reddit friend safari, and add random people from there until you find something sutiable. that's what I did.
  4. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I just defeated all 5 modes in super. Single: 235 consecutive victory - (I don't have the video of lost game. Only the record) Double: 50 Victory - on-going Triple: 50 victory - on-going Rotation: 50 victory - on-going Multi battle with AI: 69 consecutive victory - 56HW-WWWW-WWW8-QZD4 (lost...
  5. yeah i ..was worried about absol for a moment :/

    yeah i ..was worried about absol for a moment :/
  6. i saw someone using counter on alakazan it on sunny day team earlier... i think it can learn...

    i saw someone using counter on alakazan it on sunny day team earlier... i think it can learn it from 3rd gen
  7. wow,good game man, you were prolly the best man i've faced so far D:

    wow,good game man, you were prolly the best man i've faced so far D:
  8. damn sorry bout slowbro again....and porygon 2 I was looking through UU/NU box and picked them...

    damn sorry bout slowbro again....and porygon 2 I was looking through UU/NU box and picked them -_-; rematch sometime?
  9. i probably should've let my clefable die earlier lol; i wasn't sure your gliscor was offensive...

    i probably should've let my clefable die earlier lol; i wasn't sure your gliscor was offensive varient or not, and kinda wanted to finish suicun with encore or something :S
  10. sorry about all those 3~4 misses in one game.. sorry about all those 3~4 misses in one game..
  11. that early one turn wake up was total hax tbh -o-; I myself was surprised to see that;

    that early one turn wake up was total hax tbh -o-; I myself was surprised to see that;
  12. focus sashed

    focus sashed
  13. haha, i was wondering why you faked out on banette lol

    haha, i was wondering why you faked out on banette lol
  14. she was my only hope to beat you at the moment lol; all my pokemons were very weak to dugtrio's...

    she was my only hope to beat you at the moment lol; all my pokemons were very weak to dugtrio's earthquake, and scarfed mismagius was the only pokemon that could out run it (i had steelix/drapion/ninetales left, and they are all slower then dug :/)
  15. hey, wanna do some UU or NU later?: )

    hey, wanna do some UU or NU later?: )