Recent content by Okayadokari

  1. Okayadokari

    Black & White Battle Subway Records

    How would I fit in Guard Split into Latias's moveset though? Indeed, it was a waste of a turn... but then again, what could have Registeel done instead besides Iron Heading? Mamoswine would certainly 2HKO Registeel with Earthquake, so Registeel would only be able to land one hit (which won't...
  2. Okayadokari

    Black & White Battle Subway Records

    Oh bummer, my streak ended at 181. However, I guess this gives me an excuse to stop playing and do something more productive with my life. Peterko gets credit for devising the original duo of Latias and Registeel. I have escaped a few near losses, so I can't say I am a brilliant player despite...
  3. Okayadokari

    Battle Subway

    Oh bummer, never realised that. Ignore what I said before then. I'll replace Stealth Rock with something... Leech Seed and Spikes can come from Cacnea. Gyro Ball is acquired through level up.
  4. Okayadokari

    Battle Subway

    I'm extremely annoyed after losing on my 36th battle on the Super Singles with this team: Ferrothorn "Nutrey" @ Leftovers Relaxed (+Def -Spe) 252 HP, 252 Def, 6 SpD ~ Stealth Rock ~ Spikes ~ Leech Seed ~ Gyro Ball Since Nutrey hates Fire and Fighting type attacks, the opponent almost always...
  5. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    How can I stall out the Sheer Cold and Fissure PP if it hits almost every time? I already had trouble stalling out Sheer Cold and if the Dewgong had Horn Drill to play with too, I probably would have lost. I swear the CPU is programmed to have much higher accuracy (4 of the 5 Sheer Colds landed).
  6. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    For my 48th match using Jumpman16's team, I faced one of the Battle Tower's 'most dangerous' Pokemon. 1. I send out Mesprit. 2. CPU sends out Dewgong. (>>> Uh oh, could it be that Dewgong?) 3. Mesprit uses Trick and receives the Salac Berry, while Dewgong gets the Choice Scarf. (>>> Oh crap!)...
  7. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Well now that I think of it, Charming instead of Tricking may be the only way out. Three of the four Infernapes are physical attackers. If Mesprit had managed to lower Infernapes damage output to a joke, Drapion would have been able to stat up before being raped by Earthquakes to kill both it...
  8. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I was playing with Jumpman16's team in the Platinum Battle Tower. I had a streak up to about 72 until I faced this lead: Infernape Jolly | Kings Rock Atk/Spe -Flare Blitz -Close Combat -Earthquake -ThunderPunch Keep in mind that I didn't know which Infernape was sent in until it attacked...
  9. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Can anyone think of any notable threats to this new team of mine? Latias Levitate | Timid | Choice Scarf 4 HP, 252 Def, 252 Spe -Charm -Recover -Safeguard -Trick Once the opponent is locked into Thunder Wave, Toxic or Will-O-Wisp, Latias will use Safeguard to prevent Empoleon or Rotom-A from...
  10. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Still, well done on the 823. I stopped playing at 42 and have been redesigning my team completely. It's so annoying how we have to focus on dealing with hax, rather than skills that we'd use against human players. Has anyone here tried using two TrickScarf Pokemon? Your lead will be the first...
  11. Okayadokari

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 20 (READ THE OP)

    Speaking of Skarmory's Sturdy ability, can Fissure OHKO Pokemon that are part Flying or have Levitate?
  12. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I'm getting the impression that the key strategy is to "sacrifice" your lead to screw up the opponent's lead first, then let your second and third Pokemon set up and sweep. Up till now, I haven't done much setting up... my usual strategy was to just attack, but I'll definitely give the setting...
  13. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    What if I replaced Starmie's Psychic with Grass Knot to eliminate Swampert & friends and replaced Heatran with a Ground type such as Garchomp? I was also thinking of a Ground type with Levitate (Flygon or Claydol) so that Ground attacks have no effect. However, Garchomp and Flygon get hit hard...
  14. Okayadokari

    Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I'm currently on a streak of 42 in the Platinum Battle Tower and would like some advice before I proceed (such as notable threats). I made a bulky post in the RMT forum, but it hasn't received any replies. Just a few quick questions: - Unlike...
  15. Okayadokari

    The Scarlet Trio: an in-game BT team

    Origin of team name: Starmie, Heatran and Scizor all have red somewhere on their body. Not that it matters though. --- Natural Cure | Timid | Expert Belt 252 SA, 4 SD, 252 Spd ~ Surf ~ Ice Beam ~ Thunderbolt ~ Psychic Main roles - Promptly kill opponent if possible, - Switch in on Water...