Recent content by Murphy Lawden

  1. Murphy Lawden

    Wait you became moderator OML GRATZ!!!

    Wait you became moderator OML GRATZ!!!
  2. Murphy Lawden

    I am halfway done

    I am halfway done
  3. Murphy Lawden

    LoL I will also try to reach 100 suspects

    LoL I will also try to reach 100 suspects
  4. Murphy Lawden

    Um what's your reason to continue doing so many suspect tests? Do you enjoy them?

    Um what's your reason to continue doing so many suspect tests? Do you enjoy them?
  5. Murphy Lawden

    This was supposed to my 50th and I screwed up

    This was supposed to my 50th and I screwed up
  6. Murphy Lawden

    Yup the dopamine rush of completing and the feeling of self achievement

    Yup the dopamine rush of completing and the feeling of self achievement
  7. Murphy Lawden


  8. Murphy Lawden


  9. Murphy Lawden

    Who the fuck is that

    Who the fuck is that
  10. Murphy Lawden

    Ok and?

    Ok and?
  11. Murphy Lawden

    Um anything you want to say

    Um anything you want to say
  12. Murphy Lawden


  13. Murphy Lawden

    for likes

    for likes
  14. Murphy Lawden

    I have 52 in total

    I have 52 in total
  15. Murphy Lawden

    Is it more than mine

    Is it more than mine