Recent content by michael

  1. michael

    rude as all heck

    rude as all heck
  2. michael

    too rude :(

    too rude :(
  3. michael

    How did you meet your Showdown friends?

    i've met a fair few people i knew through irc, pokemon lab, or showdown. most of them are fellow melbournians, plus a few who were visiting from interstate for other reasons. i actually ended up as a teaching assistant in one of Alter's classes which was pretty funny. honestly, if there's...
  4. michael

    but seriously we should beer up one day

    but seriously we should beer up one day
  5. michael

    fuckin fight me

    fuckin fight me
  6. michael

    Serious Alcohol

    i guess i'm pretty lucky in that i live somewhere with a good availability of good drinks. i don't mind drinking the house lager or whatever's cheap if i'm just going out for a quick drink with colleagues or friends after work, but it's so easy to find places that sell great drinks nearby. at...
  7. michael

    Serious shaving your hair off

    your hair is fucking great
  8. michael


  9. michael

    Serious LGBTQ

    i have no first hand experience + am not a expert but: the oral-digestive-shitting tract is classified as part of the "external" environment and is essentially sealed to the outside except for absorbing nutrients and water. the only time hiv would be able to cross into the bloodstream/internal...
  10. michael

    What do you want to do as a career?

    well I'm doing a phd in physical chemistry (gas phase spectroscopy and theoretical chemistry) and my goal is to go into academia. I'm pretty cautious about getting my hopes up, of course, and I'm trying to set up a backup at the agilent (big scientific equipment and r&d company) centre nearby...
  11. michael

    Looking for fellow players to Skype chat with

    i too enjoy the taste of catfish
  12. michael

    i mean i hated it too and it was my worst subject for vce lol

    i mean i hated it too and it was my worst subject for vce lol
  13. michael

    haha get fucked

    haha get fucked
  14. michael

    are we not doing “phrasing” anymore? which, whatever, that’s fine, but if we’re doing something...

    are we not doing “phrasing” anymore? which, whatever, that’s fine, but if we’re doing something new and no-one told me, THAT i’d have a problem with!
  15. michael

    i'll fight you

    i'll fight you