Recent content by MegaMW7

  1. MegaMW7

    Draft ORAS Cup III - Round 3 won vs Portrait of Ruin
  2. MegaMW7

    Online: MegaMW7

    Online: MegaMW7
  3. MegaMW7

    Heya I should be able to do 11pm Thursday. Does that work for you?

    Heya I should be able to do 11pm Thursday. Does that work for you?
  4. MegaMW7

    Draft ORAS Cup III - Pools 1-32

    won vs kaminjaw pool 1
  5. MegaMW7

    Draft ORAS Cup III - Pools 1-32

    won vs unknownPingu Pool 1
  6. MegaMW7

    Draft ORAS Cup III - Pools 1-32

    won v antheartt pool 1
  7. MegaMW7

    Draft ORAS Cup III - Signups

    Discord Tag kuku5965 Time Zone GMT-8
  8. MegaMW7

    Draft Summer Seasonal 2024 - Round 4

    Calling act? Vs Pizzaman42 Timing never worked and coming up to deadlines
  9. MegaMW7

    Draft Summer Seasonal 2024 - Round 3 won vs Pruneheed
  10. MegaMW7

    Draft Low Tier II battle pools 1-32

    Claiming FF win over PhatomSnorlax Pool 12
  11. MegaMW7

    Draft Low Tier II battle pools 1-32 Pool 12 Vs Xand 2-0
  12. MegaMW7

    Draft Low Tier II - Signups

    Discord Tag kuku5965 Time Zone GMT-7
  13. MegaMW7

    Draft Summer Seasonal 2024 - Signups [CLOSED]

    Discord Tag kuku5965 Time Zone GMT-7
  14. MegaMW7

    Draft NatDex I - Round 2 Won v DeadByDeadlight GGS!
  15. MegaMW7

    Draft NatDex I - Battle Pools [65-92] vs GaryBusterholmes Pool 76 won 2-0