Recent content by MapleSandwich

  1. MapleSandwich

    Ladder Mix and Mega

    Is it intended that Azumarill can't have Thick Fat before mega evolving if it's holding one of the restricted stones?
  2. MapleSandwich

    VGC 2016 Rules - "Uber" legendaries are back!

    I'm glad that they've banned the obviously broken stuff like Celebi and Phione. We couldn't have a fair and fun competition with those monsters running loose.
  3. MapleSandwich

    The Underused Dark Horse Project

    woop woop I'm in Alt: two gay men Dark Horses: Cresselia, Armaldo, Rhyperior, Reuniclus Team Importable: Alt Proof:
  4. MapleSandwich

    XY UU Viability Ranking Thread

    252 SpA Life Orb Analytic Starmie Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Trevenant: 226-268 (60.4 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO I'm not so sure about that.
  5. MapleSandwich

    Pokémon Aegislash

    I'm trying to use Autotomize Aegislash on my team, and I'm finding it really hard to justify Modest over Rash or something. I'm finding a few OHKOs and 2HKOs that just don't happen with an attack- nature. Examples include Eviolite Chansey, bulky Excadrill, and Hydregion coming up short with one...
  6. MapleSandwich

    Move Sticky Web

    One (rightfully) overlooked mechanic I was given room to wonder about while leveling my own Surskit is, does Mist prevent Sticky Web from working? I doubt anyone knows, since Mist hasn't been used seriously ever as far as I know, so I'll probably have to test it myself. But it can't hurt to ask.
  7. MapleSandwich

    Pokémon Aegislash

    Thank goodness for kd24 cleaning up the thread. I couldn't even read it anymore, 20 pages? Anyways, one hilarious counter I've found to Aegislash is Diggersby. The Huge Power ability combined with its Normal typing allows it to ignore Aegislash's big scary Ghost type STABs, and its...
  8. MapleSandwich

    Pokémon Clefable

    Doesn't anyone feel like losing its normal typing is a possible blow for Clefable? It can no longer run recoil-less STAB Belly Drum/Double-Edge sets! Just when Wish became legal with it, too...
  9. MapleSandwich

    Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Attempting to use the old Durant + Dragonite sweeping strategy, one thing to note about this is that Roar now goes through Protect, so that will have to be accounted for by making sure Dragonite is your last pokemon. So far I have had success using dual-attacking Aerial Ace and Earthquake, since...
  10. MapleSandwich

    Black & White Battle Subway Records

    Can you confirm Truant is available from the hordes of Durant on Route 19? I've been sitting on this route spamming Sweet Scent for a good 3 hours and have yet to see a single one loaf.
  11. MapleSandwich

    Poll for our default simulator tiering level

    This is basically my line of thinking. I can't see any justification at leaving it at level 100 besides "we feel like it". That said, being at level isn't inherently "wrong" since it is possible and many people will probably continue to do it anyways, because who doesn't want to have a big bad...
  12. MapleSandwich

    Move Stealth Rock

    Y'all are free to talk about it, I never said anyone couldn't and even if I did, I'm certainly not the TC or a mod. I was just stirring up some discussion about the legit ingame meta since that's what currently pertains to my interests.
  13. MapleSandwich

    Move Stealth Rock

    would you mind providing actual examples of how these pokemon are great instead of just saying "They aren't OU therefore they are great?" I'm not following your logic. Steelix is not OU viable because it has few redeeming stats outside of defense, and is only really usable as a niche check to...
  14. MapleSandwich

    Move Stealth Rock

    I've been doing extensive like an hour of research on what can and can't exactly learn Stealth Rock in the 454 meta, since I've been interested in doing online battling again for the first time in years with how easy it is to make competitive-ready pokemon now. The current list of legal stealth...
  15. MapleSandwich

    Move Sticky Web

    I think it's very important to point out to people hailing Masquerain to OU that it cannot have both Defog and Sticky Web. Surskit learns Sticky Web at level 46, Masquerain does not learn it. Surskit cannot have Defog bred to it for obvious reasons, so any Masquerain knowing Defog will have to...