Recent content by low ladder Erti

  1. low ladder Erti

    National Dex National Dex Ladder Tournament IV - Cycle 4

    Forum name: low ladder Erti Cycle 4 Alt: NDLT4XMO Erti Did you read this whole post?:Yes
  2. low ladder Erti


    What is your stance on Tera in the metagame? The idea in a whole is a fun idea, it shows alot of new fun tatics to the meta for low ladder stratergies. Sadly; this is not where it was pushed on in the meta. Frequently we've been in trouble with broken abusers with tera typing to back it up, for...
  3. low ladder Erti

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    You can usually add lando in this core but, will-o + tera ferro can help out with fighting spam
  4. low ladder Erti

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    One of the best defensive cores in the tier rn: Rotom-Wash + Ferrothorn + Heatran. :ss/Rotom_Wash: :ss/Ferrothorn: :ss/Heatran: This Fire, Water, Grass core is amazing. The defensive prowless in this core is amazing, they all basically can switch in on the whole meta. Rotom-Wash, usually a...
  5. low ladder Erti

    Project National Dex Bazaar

    If anybody is from Gen 8 National Dex, I think people would know of this team if they atleast know me... METRO LELE IS BACK! :Tapu_Lele::metronome: :ss/Tapu_Lele::ss/Rotom-Wash::ss/Landorus_Therian::ss/Ferrothorn::ss/Heatran::ss/Kingambit: Thank you for looking at the team. You can click on...
  6. low ladder Erti


  7. low ladder Erti


  8. low ladder Erti

    i still miss it

    i still miss it
  9. low ladder Erti

    friendsTTT subbuzzwole baby

    friendsTTT subbuzzwole baby
  10. low ladder Erti

    buzzwole is a unmon, + im better

    buzzwole is a unmon, + im better
  11. low ladder Erti

    Project National Dex OU Team Bazaar

    yo dawgity dogs. Today I'm slanging out with defensive Incineroar. :ss/Incineroar: :ss/Rillaboom: :ss/Blissey: :ss/Slowbro-galar: :ss/Gliscor: :ss/Heatran:
  12. low ladder Erti

    Project National Dex Heat V2

    hello, it's erti. i haven't posted in a while especially in any sort of team dump/heat sessions. i don't really have any heat because my whole builder was wiped but i have some new recent ones, please use at ur own risk :Landorus-Therian: :Weezing-Galar: :Latios-Mega: :Rotom-Wash: :Melmetal...