Recent content by kungfupanda

  1. kungfupanda

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v3

    Also due to ability nerf, dirge, and power creep
  2. kungfupanda

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v3

    I disagree with the the wall argument though, particularly with brute bonnet. yeah it walls it but quagsire & fire/water types shut down zacian-c, but that didn’t stop it from being incredibly oppressive
  3. kungfupanda

    Smogon's Flying Press Subscription Service: Subscribe Here!

    I’d love to sub to all of them!
  4. kungfupanda

    VGC 2022 Reservation Index and Analysis Format

    Can I take Porygon2? you may :smeargle: