Recent content by Kamisutra

  1. Battle Subway

    I wish to report a Battle Subway Super Double Line win streak of 49 wins: Battle video as proof: 38-43201-75935 I uploaded the video about 2 weeks ago to show off the team on a certain web-comic forum, but battle videos normally stay up for about 2 months so I think it should still be up. I...
  2. Battle Subway

    I have a question regarding Trophies. I obtained the two trophies awarded for getting a 49 win streak in the Super Single and in the Super Double line, but in your character's house where the trophies are presented, there seems to be space left, on the table, for a 3rd item. So I'm wondering...
  3. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I see, that's a pity, thanks for clarifying though.
  4. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Hey guys, I am curious about this, the question has probably been already answered once, but I had no luck finding info via the search function, so I thought I'd ask here. In the Battle Hall, how is the total win streak record(the one given by the staff member next to the monitor who will give...
  5. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Thanks a lot for having updated the front page list with my factory record. There is no 100% sure method, and you need quite a bit of luck to get a decent initial selection of Pokemon three times in a row, in other words prior to battles 29, 36, and 43, but some general tips would be: 1)...
  6. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I'm not sure if it'd work, but perhaps a 31 IV Def Salamence with a Yache Berry would hold out two Ice Shards after an Intimidate? Just a suggestion, I haven't done any damage calculations. Personally, my goal in the Hall was getting the Gold Print, and I did so with a Garchomp, so I always...
  7. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Those boxes with question marks are for the Prints of the other battle Frontier facilities. You've already obtained the Battle Tower Silver Print for beating Palmer at 21 wins and then later upgraded it into a Gold Print at 49 wins when defeating Palmer a 2nd time. For the other prints you need...
  8. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Ah I overlooked that post, since I didn't see myself being quoted(although that doesn't excuse me), I'm very sorry, that was my mistake. I shalll stop being a nag now. Personally, I've also used Starmie as a lead for the 1-49 battles(only that mine was Modest), I'd really recommend getting a...
  9. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Mate Peterko did you see the post I made regarding my streak? Anyway this is the last time I'm asking this question, since I don''t want to derail the thread further. But I'd appreciate a reply. Thanks in advance.
  10. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Hey Peterko, sorry to bother you, but since this post confirms your Wi-Fi is currently working, could I ask you to look at the Battle Videos I posted on page 120 of this thread and verify my steak?: I'm sorry, if I come across...
  11. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Apologies, I was aware you answered it first, but I wanted to specify that "Double KOs" includes damage caused by item effects and attacks, since the person asking the question seems to be new to the frontier and specifying it further could avoid confusion. Anyway, I meant no ill will, I'm...
  12. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    You lose. Same goes for things like Life Orb or Destiny Bond caused fainting.
  13. World Championships Thread - BLUECOOKIES WORLD CHUMP

    Well he may be the nicest guy in the world, I'm just posting my subjective views on the commentary. Nothing against the guy as a person.
  14. World Championships Thread - BLUECOOKIES WORLD CHUMP

    Big thanks for sharing, great battles. That announcer was annoying though.
  15. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Yeah just use Earthquake next time, will work like a charm. Even a Magnezone with Shuca berry gets KOd by it.