Recent content by JustANoobie

  1. JustANoobie

    1v1 1v1 Ladder Tournament V - Cycle 4 [#208]

    JustANoobie 1vltdn Maxmence
  2. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team [Cycle #24] [SS]

    My B. Well at least she can't trace this :
  3. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team [Cycle #24] [SS]

    Zebstrika @ Electrium Z Ability: Lightning Rod Happiness: 0 EVs: 252 Atk / 228 Spe Jolly Nature - Wild Charge - Flame Charge EV + nature to outspeed gren. You just click Z-Wild charge on everything but Zeraora, but the last one can't touch you. Important calc : 252 Atk Zebstrika...
  4. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team [Cycle #24] [SS]

    ^ Well F. At least I get an excuse for posting this :
  5. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team [Cycle #24] [SS]

    What if Whimsicott uses Sub T1 ? Wouldn't it be free to leech seed and stall your HP out afterwards ?
  6. JustANoobie

    Resource Gen 8 1v1 Set Compendium

    Pokemon Set: Regieleki @ Chesto Berry Ability: Transistor EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Eerie Impulse - Thunder Cage - Rest - Sleep Talk EV Explanation: Chesto resto for a quick turn of recovery that helps in a lot of matchups, like against yawn fake...
  7. JustANoobie

    Resource 1v1 Sword and Shield Viability Rankings

    This is the Regieleki set I've been climbing the ladder with. And basically, there's no mon I know that hit the special defense and win just by blasting attacks at it. Even with no investment, 200 base speed still outspeeds Modest scarf rotom. And at -2, even specs fails to kill with overheat...
  8. JustANoobie

    Resource 1v1 Sword and Shield Viability Rankings

    I'm pretty sure specs loses to stall, unless you use flamethrower + trick, except no one does. Without a damaging move that isn't overheat or electric, the most you can do is chain mind games until Regi reads you wrong. Which isn't a hard W. Also it's a L without trick. Edit : Hold on I'm...
  9. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team [Cycle #24] [SS]

    Oops, didn't see it there. Thought it was full status moves somehow. Courtesy of no double post, I will leave my Corviknight set here. Max defense to 2HKO hydreigon, Snorlax and gurdurr get walled. It's a bit tricky to beat Gurdurr 100% due to counter, but you can chip away, roost all...
  10. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team [Cycle #24] [SS]

    Haha taunt go brrr On another note, might try Corviknight.
  11. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team 2.0

    Gotta edit that, thanks Edit : Fully edited now, set included
  12. JustANoobie

    Project Break My Team 2.0

    Actually Flyinium Z Weavile Edit : Thanks Smajet, good eyes.
  13. JustANoobie

    Resource 1v1 Viability Rankings

    True enough. The point is that Tyranitar doesn't counter Dnite.