
March 19
Professional Surskit/Imas Hater & Manu fan


imas234:i was feeding virtual fish
ihateyourpancreas: imas some kind of virtual fisher
manu 11: lel yeah
ihateyourpancreas: can't even keep virtual feesh alive
ihateyourpancreas: keep him away from my 1v1 gyarados
ihateyourpancreas: cause I named it feesh

• ~The Immortal pet ihateyourpancreas
@manu 11: ihateyourpancreas, being friendly is strange
ihateyourpancreas: Hey imas look your senpai is noticing me and not you :D
@manu 11: rekt imas234
%imas234: w-who said TI's m-my senpai
• %imas234 hides
ihateyourpancreas: hue

imas234 was unlocked by The Immortal.
%imas234: ily

@manu 11: !pick imas is cool, imas is kewl, imas is really cool, imas saks
We randomly picked:
imas saks
@manu 11: LOL
ihate☆yourpancreas: agreed
%imas234: well can't argue with that

Leafshield: modding OMs is like driving a short bus
★unfixable: OMs ar relevant
imas234: ow

~ihate♥yourpancreas: .say imas saks
!boTTT: imas saks (~ihate♥yourpancreas said this)

[18:19:10] +Imas234: next tour's final destination! To celebrate omotd there will be a fd tour between every tour! (if i'm hosting anyway) Mr Bones Wild Ride however is on the tour blacklist, don't even ask for it.
[18:19:37] ‽The Immortal: no fuck you Imas234
[18:19:44] +Imas234: :[

★imas234: I DON"T
★imas234: LIKE
★imas234: YOU
★manu 11: ;-;
imas234 left.
