Recent content by Hyuinn

  1. Hyuinn

    General Introduce yourself!

    Same here, but i've only played ruby on emulators, so it was like the DPPt era. I was kinda late :v . If you wanna play/train sometime, feel free to ask.
  2. Hyuinn

    General Introduce yourself!

    Yes, i spend some time in showdown and i'm very interested in the battle 101 via tutor, how do I sign up there?
  3. Hyuinn

    General Introduce yourself!

    Hi, I'm 21 and my name is Eric. I've started playing Pokemon in gen 3 via emulators, but my competitive life only started past year. I'm trying to keep up with my friends in local tournaments here, and also, get to bigger tournaments as well. Nice to meet you guys ^^
  4. Hyuinn

    Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I just got 50 win streak in all modes, (current 50) and have all trophies. (yeah o/ ) It's my first time posting here, but I want to share my team and strategy with you guys. Sorry for the long post and thanks for the attention; I've builded my teams not for long streaks, but to ensure at...