Recent content by GummyPotato

  1. GummyPotato

    Non-official National Dex OU Dynamax Suspect

    Dynamax: Do Not Ban
  2. GummyPotato

    Announcement NatDex OU Suspect Test 1: The Bigger the Better [DYNAMAX BANNED]

  3. GummyPotato

    Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Inheritance aand Godly Gift The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after...
  4. GummyPotato

    Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Inheritance Chimera Alphabet Cup Dewgongmons
  5. GummyPotato

    Ability Shift

    Glaceon can set up hail by itself and just spam specs blizzard even though it's slow af, probably a good tr mon Abomasnow has to go in sun but at least it can spam solar beams with solar power? RIP
  6. GummyPotato

    Fusion Evolution

    Parents: Jolteon / Glaceon Shared egg group: Field Offspring name:STABoltBeameon Joltlaceon New type: Electric / Ice New base stats: 75 / 72 / 95 / 130 / 105 / 107 New ability and desc: Electrofrost absorb - Recovers HP when hit by Electric type attack or in Hail weather by supposed Hail damage...
  7. GummyPotato

    b a c k l o w n ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

    b a c k l o w n ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
  8. GummyPotato

    Fusion Evolution

    brb gonna rip off chopin Parents: Jolteon / Glaceon Shared egg group: Field Offspring name:STABoltBeameon Joltlaceon New type: Electric / Ice New base stats: 75 / 72 / 95 / 130 / 105 / 107 New ability and desc: Electrofrost absorb - Recovers HP when hit by Electric type attack or in Hail...
  9. GummyPotato

    Megas For All V2 (Induction Phase)

    I'd like to reccomend the legendary Dewgod Dewgong was already an Ubers tier mon but this mega makes gong even more bulkier with 90/110/135 defensive stats, the gong becomes one of the only serene grace mons with stab ice beam iirc. Dewgod now gets scald which is basically a better sacred fire...
  10. GummyPotato

    Megas For All V2 (Induction Phase)

    How long will this take :(((
  11. GummyPotato

    Megas For All V2 (Induction Phase)

    Archeops: good movepool and attack so it can run lots of things however ability balances/hinders it. Kricketune: Pretty strong although blocked by steel types, however this thing could probably force a switch and set up sticky web (which imo is a better gamechanging option to use over grass...
  12. GummyPotato

    Screw you for taking my idea in fusion evolution fgt

    Screw you for taking my idea in fusion evolution fgt
  13. GummyPotato

    ☆*・゜゚・*RAISE YOUR GONGERS*・゜゚・*☆KEEP THE DEWGONG GOING ☆*・゜゚・*LETS GO GONG MEME !*・゜゚・*☆ (o°w°o)

    ☆*・゜゚・*RAISE YOUR GONGERS*・゜゚・*☆KEEP THE DEWGONG GOING ☆*・゜゚・*LETS GO GONG MEME !*・゜゚・*☆ (o°w°o)
  14. GummyPotato

    ☆*・゜゚・*RAISE YOUR GONGERS*・゜゚・*☆KEEP THE DEWGONG GOING ☆*・゜゚・*LETS GO GONG MEME !*・゜゚・*☆ (o°w°o)

    ☆*・゜゚・*RAISE YOUR GONGERS*・゜゚・*☆KEEP THE DEWGONG GOING ☆*・゜゚・*LETS GO GONG MEME !*・゜゚・*☆ (o°w°o)