Recent content by Frablz

  1. Frablz

    All Gens Retro Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Player Signups

    PS! Username: Frablz Nation: Alps Formats played: all Foreseen Inactivity: none
  2. Frablz

    Draft Summer Seasonal 2024 - Round 1 won vs. Tristennelms, ggs
  3. Frablz

    Draft Summer Seasonal 2024 - Signups [CLOSED]

    Discord Tag vivienne._. Time Zone GMT+2
  4. Frablz

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Qualifiers [ROUND 2 @ #275]

    Won vs. disgusting, gg
  5. Frablz

    Well there's nothing I can do. Cya next sunday then.

    Well there's nothing I can do. Cya next sunday then.
  6. Frablz

    I'm ready, you can challenge Frablz on Smogtours.

    I'm ready, you can challenge Frablz on Smogtours.
  7. Frablz

    Yes it does. Let's fix 10pm for now.

    Yes it does. Let's fix 10pm for now.
  8. Frablz

    what time?

    what time?
  9. Frablz

    sunday sounds good

    sunday sounds good
  10. Frablz

    how about saturday?

    how about saturday?
  11. Frablz

    I would prefer to play next week honestly, this week is kinda stressful for me. Would that work...

    I would prefer to play next week honestly, this week is kinda stressful for me. Would that work for you?
  12. Frablz

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Qualifying Signups ONLY

    Player Name: Frablz Country / Region of Residence: Switzerland Other Eligibility: None
  13. Frablz

    Signups DLWC I - Signups

    Discord Tag vivienne._. Eligibility Switzerland Interested in managing No If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional / Significant time missed 12:00am - 09:00am GMT+2
  14. Frablz

    Draft League Low Tier Swiss Tour - Round 8 [REPLAYS ARE MANDATORY!!]

    Activity Win Request Opponent never reached out to me