Recent content by Elminster12

  1. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    I mained him in Melee for a good while. The loss of speed is a huge blow, simply because you used to be able to attack from practically any angle from across Final Destination. That was a big thing the Captain had going for him, and he can't do it nearly as well anymore. It doesn't matter that...
  2. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    QFT. Seriously, he's exactly as he was in Melee. In Melee, he was a low-high , high-mid tier character. Now, copy&paste him, except make him run slower, move through the air MUCH slower, weaken his Bair, and render his Fair(the Knee of Doom) completely worthless. Welcome to bottom tier Cap'n!
  3. Self-Motivation, Balance and Organisation (Semi Rant)

    I'm still not terribly motivated and my skill-base has narrowed considerably because of it, but Advanced Placement European History helped me realize how much I loved history, and how little it had to do with memorizing dates and names. Pick challenging courses: even if your GPA doesn't sparkle...
  4. Recommend PC games.

    If you love strategy games, you can't go wrong with Civilization 4 and Europa Universalis 3. Civ4, IIRC, comes in a bundle with its two expansions, and EU3 is getting its 2nd expansion(In Nomine) in June. Your best bet for the latter is Gamer's Gate, which would probably swiftly offer a...
  5. Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 3

    I'd just like to say sorry for not being available. Been swamped with essays. Three of them, and had even less time than I thought I would...
  6. Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 1

    I'm alive...I just went on break and forgot to bring my router with me. I'm available to play tomorrow night or all of Thursday afternoon...
  7. Your physical/mental quirks.

    I suppose it's not that interesting, but my mind is very, very bad with dates, particularly if two similar events(such as my parents' birthdays, which are four days apart) occur within close proximity. Unless I were to write these down, I have never yet remembered it correctly, either switching...
  8. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    Copy is kinda hard to land as well, and can leave you open if you mess it up, which is very doable. I would always keep it in mind against any character with a projectile(except Diddy, lol), and a few others(Ike is decent, particularly in a FFA, Zelda's a good steal, Peach might be, etc.) Kirby...
  9. Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 1

    I'm afraid I shall have to bow out. I went home for Spring Break...and forgot my router up at school...yeah, I know, I forget stuff all the time...
  10. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    DI is directional influence. You can influence how you're launched after an attack by inputting a direction. DI is extremely important for avoiding counters.
  11. Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 1

    I'm around until class at 5:45EST(in 2 hours and 30 minutes, about). Sorry Balthier, I was out later last night than I thought I would be...
  12. Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 1

    I beat Elly 2-0 just now. Good matches both.
  13. Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 1

    I'm pretty much at my computer or playing Brawl most of the day. Just IM me if you want a match, its kungming12. Looking forward to this...
  14. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    I suppose I'll catalogue what I'm using... Main: Lucario. He's got a great aerial game, good tilts, decent smashes, and I've always been great at staying alive, so he's a natural choice. He might not hit hard fresh...but, DAMN, does he ever dominate after a little beating. Motivates me to stay...
  15. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

    No tiers for a while yet. Just use whoever. Though I would recommend against using Captain Falcon, he has low-tier stamped all over him with his new knee of lame....