Recent content by Drathos

  1. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    @DragonBreath: That challenge sounds like fun, thanks. Any more suggestions? I still need 2 more pokemon.
  2. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Yes please change your challenge for me, thanks.
  3. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Am I allowed to deny a pokemon because two fire types seems repetitive to me, if not that's fine.
  4. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Anymore suggestions for pokemon on my team for this platinum scramble challenge?
  5. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Is the buneary the only pokemon I get or will I receive more?
  6. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    I'd be up for a scramble challenge since it would be boring playing through platinum again normally:) Game: Pokemon Platinum Trading: No
  7. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer - Read FAQ in First Post Before Asking

    Oh I guess it would have been figured out by now, my bad, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  8. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer - Read FAQ in First Post Before Asking

    Anyone know a good place I could look to help in translating the in-game japanese text in Pokemon Black and White?
  9. Research During Battles

    I usually do research for battles in the Battle Frontier although for games against actual people I don't do any kind of research besides knowing what types are effective against others which I think is basic pokemon knowledge:)
  10. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 23 (READ THE OP)

    Thanks, do you happen to have a link to the Smogcast? Edit: Nevermind found a link on the home page.
  11. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 23 (READ THE OP)

    I haven't been active that much in the past month due to my wireless internet connection blocking smogon so I was wondering has anything big happened here since I've been gone?
  12. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I was playing on Platinum.
  13. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I finally got my silver symbol in the Battle Factory, after more than half a year of off and on battling in the Battle Factory I finally got myself my last symbol needed for my collection so that makes my symbol count: 4 silvers and 1 gold (Battle Tower). I'm going to go for the golds in the...
  14. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 23 (READ THE OP)

    Personally I would just use the Life Orb Milotic set to surprise opponents and it would be an interesting change from other bulky water types in OU although I haven't played Shoddy in so long so I don't know how much has changed since I last played Shoddy. I would use it to test its...
  15. Ledian (Ledjet - Suicide, Anti-Lead)

    Changes in bold. Nice set although it can only somewhat shutdown three of the leads in the competitive metagame.