Recent content by DLNarshen

  1. DLNarshen

    Online Competition Kanto x Alola Regional Rumble

    Would you happen to know the process of actually locating this link on the PGL site? With the last mega stone competition I probably spent around 20 minutes scouring the site to no avail, only to eventually find someone who posted a link like this through a google search. So either I'm a...
  2. DLNarshen

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    Yeah, I never really thought to PP stall and shuffle Intimidates against boosting mons in general, as there doesn't really seem to be a pattern with when they boost and when they attack. You're right though in that there probably wouldn't have been any significant risks to doing it in this...
  3. DLNarshen

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    Posting here to report my streak of 250 in Super Singles. The Team: Gyarados@Gyaradosite Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker) Nature: Adamant EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Crunch - Dragon Dance - Waterfall - Substitute Aegislash@Leftovers Ability: Stance Change Nature...
  4. DLNarshen

    Online Competition Battle of Alola [POST YOUR RESULTS!]

    Finished with about 1620 or so, about where I expected to be. My team was rather makeshift, mainly compiled of what I had already. The only one I made specifically for the comp was Hydreigon. Hydreigon Levitate Timid EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def - Draco Meteor - Dragon Pulse - Dark Pulse...
  5. DLNarshen

    Online Competition Battle of Alola [POST YOUR RESULTS!]

    PSA to those looking to use Ash-Greninja on their team: Stock up on Kelpsey berries (found on Route 10's berry tree) if you plan on running Timid. It comes pre-EV trained with a 128 Atk, 128 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd EV spread.
  6. DLNarshen

    Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Hey everyone, first post here. I just wanted to share my Super Multi-Battle record of 52. I noticed every record on the Multi with AI section uses Steven as the partner, so I wanted to try something a little different, and see if a viable team could be made with Maxie as the partner. Here’s...