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  • Hi, I have an egg with your SV (3628), can you help me hatch it? My FC is 4484-8092-3565, IGN Nico! Let me know when you can trade!
    Your TSV 3628 Matches one of my Smeargle Eggs, Can you hatch it for me. My IGN: Huy FC: 4656-6628-4484 Can you also Nickname it Copic? I have some 4-5iv pokemon i can give you for hatching it
    I hate to sound like everyone else, but I'd really appreciate it if you could hatch for me. ><; my f/c is 5386-8659-7160. ign onee-sama.
    Hi sorry to bother you, but my egg has your SV, would you mind hatching it for me? :D my fc is 0130-3036-4347 ign Nick
    Hi Can you please hatch an egg for me? My FC 1134-8481-5382 id Aaron. I added yours
    Hi your sv is 3628 right, can you hatch me a shiny gastly please? Ill give you a perfect gastly in return. My FC: Gonzak - 1693-1801-5657
    Sure ill add you, sorry for late response but different timezones i imagine.
    im on atm if i see you ill send you a trade =)
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