Recent content by DerpyDunsparce

  1. DerpyDunsparce

    ORAS UU I'm struggling plz help

    I dunno, I've seen some people use acupressure or have the item bright powder
  2. DerpyDunsparce

    ORAS UU I'm struggling plz help

    Hey um how about you replace wing attack with aerial ace?
  3. DerpyDunsparce

     2016 Facebook Art Thread!

    Jeez guys not only do you help out the community by providing harder to get/breed mons but grab some artists to make some great art with it, really guys, great job and keep it up!
  4. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    I really hate the gts... Lvl 1 hippopotas same everything
  5. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    I got friggin sniped again same everything lvl 52 lando
  6. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    Ok a lvl 55 lando with the message Thanks TLC
  7. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    Oh ok lol I'll deposit in a bit
  8. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    Uh, I thought no you got mixed up in depositing for that adamant lando in a bit
  9. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    I got sniped a thousand times, I'll redeposit when I come back it will be a landorous though
  10. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    Landorus (Tigearth) IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Nature: Adamant Ability: Intimidate Level: 51 OT: Mike ID: 64768 Moves: -Earthquake -Knock Off -Rock Slide -Superpower. Gonna deposit a lvl 1 make axew, thanks so much for doing this guys, it really helps out people who have a rough time sring for...
  11. DerpyDunsparce

    Theorymon's 100% Redistributable Ubers Episode III: Revenge of the IVs!

    Thundurus[Battle-Ready] IVs:31/0/30/31/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Nature: Timid Ability: Prankster Level: 54 OT: Michael ID: 27797 Moves: -Thunderbolt -Nasty Plot -Hidden Power Ice -Grass Knot Hey man. I'm gonna deposit a lvl 17 lunatone with the massage TheoryMon and my ign is...
  12. DerpyDunsparce

    A Blueblizz of Pokemon! Jirachi Giveaway Please Read Rules! Latest Update: 4/30/2016 Nya! :3

    I got sniped, I'll deposit a panpour male lvl 15
  13. DerpyDunsparce

    A Blueblizz of Pokemon! Jirachi Giveaway Please Read Rules! Latest Update: 4/30/2016 Nya! :3

    Lopunny Level: 100 OT/ID: Bluemew/33207 Ability: Limber Nature: Jolly IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Atk/6 Def/252 spe Hello, if I can get one of these, I'll deposit a lvl 31 magnezone Ign sapphire message is BlueBlizz
  14. DerpyDunsparce

    crazy_man's Hidden Power Breeding Program (Now with Nest Ball Treecko)

    Hey man, it's me again and I have a rash yveltal in a luxury ball with a iv spread of 31/31/21/31/31/23 keep in mind that since this is at lvl 50 I might be off by an iv or two, do you want it now or would you like me to keep resetting?
  15. DerpyDunsparce

    Revolving Door of Pokemon (Continuous)

    Ok man no problem thanks so much