Recent content by cwertle

  1. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Cool, thanks!
  2. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Alright, did you get the value?
  3. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Could somebody help me check my shiny value?
  4. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Yes, I have, the problem is conecttify will not let me share the hotspot because I only have one working internet option. :(
  5. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    I re-installed conectify, it worked, but when I tried to connect with 3ds I couldn't. I'll restart the computer now, but I think the problem may be I only have wireless card. Has anyone using connectify got it to work with one wireless card?
  6. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    I could not install conectify, it said to disable dell wireless manager.I couldnt find how to disable it anywhere though.
  7. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Awesome, thanks. Hope this works as nothing else has.
  8. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    How do I use standalone version?
  9. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Can somebody check my shiny value?
  10. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    PM me when you get home
  11. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    I don't actually have instacheck, can't get it work after trying on a bunch of computers, which is why I was wondering. :( So by showing you just mean like in a trade?
  12. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Question about instacheck: Is there an easy wat to check an entire box of somebody elses pokemon, or do they all need to be traded over?
  13. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Gosh, tried this so many times and on so many different computers, I guess it just isn't going to work for me. Anybody mind checking my shiny value? Edit - installing new NET, maybe this will fix it
  14. cwertle

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    How does standalone version of instacheck work? I have access to a computer with windows 7 professional, home premium and windows vista, none of which will run the regular version.
  15. cwertle

    Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder!

    Pikachu with electro ball, thunderbolt and iron tail. wut