Recent content by Critsomnia

  1. Critsomnia

    Due to our timezone difference and your preference for the weekend i can kinda only do my...

    Due to our timezone difference and your preference for the weekend i can kinda only do my saturday morning between 9am and 11am (so between your 4 to 6pm), can you play in that timeslot?
  2. Critsomnia

    Friday your 6pm would work for me!

    Friday your 6pm would work for me!
  3. Critsomnia

    Yo what is your availability like this week? Ou seasonal, my Timezone is gmt+1

    Yo what is your availability like this week? Ou seasonal, my Timezone is gmt+1
  4. Critsomnia

    Rands gen 9 Swiss, what's your availability like this week? My Timezone is +1

    Rands gen 9 Swiss, what's your availability like this week? My Timezone is +1
  5. Critsomnia

    Online on main

    Online on main
  6. Critsomnia

    Perfect see you friday my 4pm

    Perfect see you friday my 4pm
  7. Critsomnia

    hey won't be able to (gmt+1) and a very early workday tomorrow.. What's your availability like...

    hey won't be able to (gmt+1) and a very early workday tomorrow.. What's your availability like on friday (i could play during my day till like 5pm) and on sunday (pretty open)?
  8. Critsomnia

    Official Smogon Tournament XXI - Round 5 (REPLAYS REQUIRED)

    Requesting extension to monday, 9pm +1
  9. Critsomnia

    Will do!

    Will do!
  10. Critsomnia

    Yes that time works! See you Monday 9pm+1

    Yes that time works! See you Monday 9pm+1
  11. Critsomnia

    That's a time i won't be able to but anything before 6pm on sunday i'll make work! Sat 9pm would...

    That's a time i won't be able to but anything before 6pm on sunday i'll make work! Sat 9pm would be fine btw
  12. Critsomnia

    Hi OST R5, what's your availability like on saturday and sunday? My timezone is gmt+1 and i...

    Hi OST R5, what's your availability like on saturday and sunday? My timezone is gmt+1 and i should be pretty flexible
  13. Critsomnia

    Official Smogon Tournament XXI - Round 5 (REPLAYS REQUIRED)

    Won for round 4 ggs