Recent content by cmurph

  1. Metagame Metagame Discussion Thread

    I'm not disagreeing with you about Aeglislash, but "shiny new toy syndrome" does not mean that people are only using x because it's new, it means that x has higher usage because it's new. I think that pretty clearly applies to a lot of 7th gen pokemon, and Aegislash is thriving as a result. But...
  2. Metagame Metagame Discussion Thread

    Maybe we define "best pokemon in the tier" differently. For one, i doesn't mean "most used pokemon in the tier". The tier is chock full of fairy and bug types not because they are objectively better than aegislash, but because 7th gen introduced a lot of new fairy and bug types, and there's a...
  3. Metagame Metagame Discussion Thread

    Such a shame about the Gengar nerf. Seemed totally unnecessary. Gengar's been OU for 6 generations straight I believe and it sucks that that streak is probably going to come to an end. I have similar feelings about the Talonflame nerf. Such a cool, unique, fun to use pokemon and one of the few...
  4. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 7 - Diamonds [Read post #226] [BANNED]

    Your whole post is factually untrue. Look at the top 10 on the ladder right now. Only like 2 of them are using stall. Stall's always been a frequent presence on the high ladder, but it's never been the dominant play style. And even if it was, why would that necessarily mean banning Sableye?
  5. Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament III - Round 2 (Loser brackets)

    I'm going to stay up all note in a show of solidarity with these two heroic battlers just kidding, fuck that
  6. Resource ORAS OU Viability Ranking Thread V5 (See Page 43 - Post #1063)

    I fully agree with Finch. I'm frankly shocked that their are posts advocating S rank for Zard X. I think there's a simple question that these people need to ask themselves: if Zard X is so good, why aren't more people using it? Why do Dancie, Scizor, Lopunny, Medicham and Sableye get more usage...
  7. Project Victim of the Week

    Steam Eruption effectively only has 4 pp because of pressure. It also only does 21.5-25.4% after a calm mind, meaning that most of the time it won't break the sub. It's a similar story for fire blast. Focus blast does more damage than either of those, but if anything is even easier to pp...
  8. Resource ORAS OU Viability Ranking Thread V5 (See Page 43 - Post #1063)

    How do YOU define viability? Because "holding the meta together" sounds EXACTLY like something that an S-rank pokemon would do. You're basically admitting that Latios and Lando-T have the highest utility of any pokemon in the metagame, then somehow using that to argue that they shouldn't be S...
  9. Resource ORAS OU Viability Ranking Thread V5 (See Page 43 - Post #1063)

    One thing that's really been bothering me about these rankings is the discrepancy that often exists between usage and viability. I understand why general usage and viability shouldn't correlate perfectly, but high-level usage, whether that's measured from top-tier tournaments like WCOP or high...
  10. Ask simple questions here! [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    I'm having a weird issue on one of my alts. I currently have a record of 52-1 but my ELO is only 1489 or something like that. The issue is I keep getting matched up with players at the very bottom of the ladder. Nearly every one of my opponents has had an ELO of 1000-1100, so it's been almost...
  11. Resource ORAS OU Viability Ranking Thread V5 (See Page 43 - Post #1063)

    Volcanion drop to A-: Agree. Very scary mon to switch in to, but it's just too easy to wear down for it to be a top-tier pokemon in this metagame. A- fits it just fine. Crawdaunt rise to B+: Agree. This thing just obliterates the defensive backbone of most teams. Just look at all the pokemon...
  12. Project OU Teambuilding Competition V9 (Done! See you all in Sun & Moon)

    Tested Team 8 and it's fire, so... Team 8
  13. Resource ORAS OU Viability Ranking Thread V5 (See Page 43 - Post #1063)

    There was a nom for Mega Heracross to move from A- to A not too long ago, but it doesn't seemed to have gained much traction. I wholeheartedly agree with this nomination. Heracross has been very good for awhile now and the ladder seems to be finally catching on to this fact. Basically any team...
  14. Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers MKII (Read the OP First!) (Now with 100% more Rules!!!)

    Have their been any successful teams that don't have a Mega?
  15. ORAS OU How to Stall to The Top (Peaked #7)

    Are you actually using two megas or is that a typo? I assume slowbro has an item other than slobronite? If not I'd change slowbro's item to rocky helmet to rack up that passive damage on physical attackers.