Recent content by chpas

  1. Online as FoolishCoolish whenever you're ready

    Online as FoolishCoolish whenever you're ready
  2. Yeah that works

    Yeah that works
  3. 6pm in what time zone

    6pm in what time zone
  4. Wasn't around unfortunately. Could do tomorrow at the same time if that works

    Wasn't around unfortunately. Could do tomorrow at the same time if that works
  5. FoolishCoolish on Showdown

    FoolishCoolish on Showdown
  6. Ready now

    Ready now
  7. I'm GMT-4, Tuesday after 1 PM my time is good for me

    I'm GMT-4, Tuesday after 1 PM my time is good for me
  8. ready when you are, name is FoolishCoolish

    ready when you are, name is FoolishCoolish
  9. yeah sure

    yeah sure
  10. oops i wound up being busy last night lol, do you want to do 11 tonight

    oops i wound up being busy last night lol, do you want to do 11 tonight
  11. all good, let's do that time tonight :)

    all good, let's do that time tonight :)
  12. how's 11 pm my time on wednesday the 31st

    how's 11 pm my time on wednesday the 31st
  13. we're paired for gen 6 randbats, when can you play? i'm gmt-5

    we're paired for gen 6 randbats, when can you play? i'm gmt-5