Recent content by Birdbrain103

  1. Birdbrain103

    Resource NU Viability Rankings

    With all due respect I think Bramble is fine where it is. Resistances to common priority/moves is good, and rapid spin is nice but it doesn't really handle the Pokemon you're talking about as well as you'd think. Almost every game it's one good prediction from the opponent away from dying and it...
  2. Birdbrain103

    NU NeverUsed Ladder Tour IX - Cycle 1

    Forum name: Birdbrain103 Cycle 1 Alt: NULT1P bird Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  3. Birdbrain103

    Resource NU Viability Rankings

    Nominating the bird :Staraptor: UR > B/B+ The effects of the tier shift was the best gift this mon could ever ask for. 4 mons which presented huge issues to Staraptor's usability are now gone. :Magnezone:moved from NU to RU Fat, splashable 4x Flying resist that poses a massive offensive threat...
  4. Birdbrain103

    Resource NU Viability Rankings

    Something I'd like to nominate is :Hariyama: from UR to C This mon is still insane. Just one belly drum gives it enough power to one shot almost anything in the tier slower than it barring a potential tera'ed slowbro/avalugg, and Bullet Punch has several good targets in the tier who don't...
  5. Birdbrain103

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

    I'm not sure if people are exploring this but unlike last gen Zapdos and Volcarona aren't exactly 100% reliable counters because 252 Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 220 Def Zapdos: 188-222 (49 - 57.9%) -- 96.1% chance to 2HKO 252 Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Stone...
  6. Birdbrain103

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion

    I've theory crafted running Stored Power on the Fillet Away set to obliterate Dondozo. What's Night Slash for anyway? I'd try running this mon but it's just so slow and frail, doubly so after it fillets away and becomes vulnerable to priority. Unfort Edit: Just realized that Night Slash is to...
  7. Birdbrain103

    Data Usage-Based Tier Update for July 2022 (August @ #39) (September @ #58)

    Man :DP/Gyarados: had such a fall from grace. Went from DPP OU threat to bottom tier UU mon to being dropped all the way down in BDSP RU
  8. Birdbrain103

    Metagame BDSP PU (Grumpig Ban @ Post #71)

    On the top of good cores I'd like to suggest :XY/Ninjask: + :XY/Charizard: A simple offensive core. Ninjask U-Turns around and forces physically bulky responses, and Charizard can come in and nuke them with it's powerful special coverage. Among U-Turn resists there are very few who can tank...
  9. Birdbrain103

    Metagame BDSP PU (Grumpig Ban @ Post #71)

    I would like to nominate Charizard to an A Tier Threat :DP/Charizard: Despite a crippling stealth rocks weakness this mon functionally has no counters that can switch into it's sheer firepower. The more popular water types of this tier just can't switch into Charizard's Life Orb boosted air...
  10. Birdbrain103

    Resource SS OU DLC2 Viability Ranking Thread [SEE: Page 105, Post 2618]

    How did :XY/Omastar: rise? I'm confused as to how it rose from the depths of UR
  11. Birdbrain103

    Metagame BDSP NU (Tier Shifts @ Post #128)

    :XY/Gligar: Double Dance Gligar :XY/Gligar: With Aerodactyl banned from the tier, this set lost one of it's biggest counters that could wear it down. Gligar Ability: Immunity EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Acrobatics - Earthquake - Rock Polish - Swords Dance This set relies on...
  12. Birdbrain103

    Metagame BDSP NU (Tier Shifts @ Post #128)

    I would like to talk about a pretty underrated option in the metagame that I haven't seen very often. In fact I haven't seen Qwilfish a lot outside of defensive fast taunt sets with spikes and all that good stuff :XY/Qwilfish: Qwilfish @ Life Orb Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252...
  13. Birdbrain103

    Metagame BDSP PU (Grumpig Ban @ Post #71)

    I wouldn't reccomend using Golbat defensively. Even max speed variants are slower than all variants of offensive leafeon which is a concerning threat given its bulk and typing, and it is never forcing out rockers like Golem unless you somehow fit Giga Drain on top of roost defog brave bird
  14. Birdbrain103

    Metagame BDSP RU (RU Tier Shifts @Post #128)

    Gotta say I've been having a lot of success with the Gallade recently :BW/Gallade: Gallade (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Justified EVs: 236 HP / 252 Atk / 20 SpD Adamant Nature - Bulk Up - Drain Punch - Knock Off - Shadow Sneak / Psycho Cut / Subsitute I've managed to get Top 50 on the ladder...