Recent content by babymariofan563

  1. babymariofan563

    Alphabet Cup team I made at 2:00 in the morning it's kind of ass but it has charm which is...

    Alphabet Cup team I made at 2:00 in the morning it's kind of ass but it has charm which is really all that matters
  2. babymariofan563

    Signups PUBD II - Player Signups (Custom Avatar Prize!!!) - Signups closed

    Username: babymariofan563 Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV, ORAS, BW, DPP, ADV Tiers NOT Played (binding) SS, SM, GSC, RBY Time Zone EST Foreseeable Inactivity Every sunday/saterday 9-5
  3. babymariofan563

    Tournament $1450 Random Battles Ladder Tournament - Cycle 1 Signups

    Forum name: babymariofan563 Cycle 1 Alt: RBLTSmariofan563 Does my alt for this Cycle contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes!
  4. babymariofan563

    Ok be there in a sec

    Ok be there in a sec
  5. babymariofan563

    Yeah i can

    Yeah i can
  6. babymariofan563

    9pm btw

    9pm btw
  7. babymariofan563

    I can do anytime after 9GMT anyday

    I can do anytime after 9GMT anyday
  8. babymariofan563

    Tournament Rands Slam IV - Gen 8 Open - Round 2

    2-1 big win for me
  9. babymariofan563

    Im sending it now

    Im sending it now
  10. babymariofan563

    You got it

    You got it
  11. babymariofan563

    I can do 3pm GMT anyday thaya good for you

    I can do 3pm GMT anyday thaya good for you
  12. babymariofan563

    Tournament Rands Slam IV - Gen 8 Open - Round 1

    My opponent didnt answer
  13. babymariofan563


  14. babymariofan563

    For the gen 8 ranbats i can play anytime after 7pm est

    For the gen 8 ranbats i can play anytime after 7pm est