Recent content by b2j135

  1. b2j135

    Data Usage-Based Tier Update for April 2023 (nobody's fool)

    oh how the mighty have fallen...again
  2. b2j135

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion

    Chi-Yu needs to go. Suspect is fine but I'm pretty sure EVERYONE wants the same thing. Quickban the ARSON FISH to Ubers where it belongs. I would not mind a suspect for Espathra. If you're not prepared, that mon can steam roll your ENTIRE TEAM in a flash. This isn't like Blaziken in Gen 5 since...
  3. b2j135

    Data Usage-Based Tier Update for January 2023 (RU having fun?)

    So Espathra is this gens first BL mon? Wow! I have a feeling it'll end up back in OU next month...we'll see
  4. b2j135

    Data Usage-Based Tier Update for January 2023 (RU having fun?)

    Bax dropping to UU is crazy It's VERY strong and can contend in OU with good support, but I guess more folks just wanna use Roaring Moon lol well let's see how long it stays UU hopefully more folks will use Ddance Loaded Dice Icicle Spear, that shits SUPER GOOD Baxcalibur (M) @ Loaded Dice...
  5. b2j135

    Pokémon Spidops

    No Sticky Web set? C R I N G E
  6. b2j135

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion

    Banning Shed Tail seems like the right choice. I just do not understand why you would want to ban Cyclizar itself? Could someone please explain why banning the mon is better than banning the move? Isn't Cyclizar underwhelming outside of shed tail? Let it at LEAST have some use in lower tiers...
  7. b2j135

    Online Competition Champion League

    They added Gardevoir back.
  8. b2j135

    Data Usage-Based Tier Update for February 2020 (NU time!)

    I honestly wonder how it'll fair in LC
  9. b2j135

    Online Competition Smogon April Battle Spot Friendly / Discord Party!

    Umm I think the timing is incorrect as today is 4/20 and it's a Friday? Did you mean to make this Friday April 20th or Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd? Edit: Also apparently the Discord link is bad?
  10. b2j135

    man the way things are going, it looks like I will have to just have to play you this...

    man the way things are going, it looks like I will have to just have to play you this is this Saturday? I'm TOTALLY free that day lol, sorry...I feel like I've been holding up our matches...
  11. b2j135

    same for me lol, my ride came way later than it should have among other things...but yeah I be...

    same for me lol, my ride came way later than it should have among other things...but yeah I be back from work around 8pm EST, let me know when your free :)
  12. b2j135

    s'all good, looks like I'll need to play you tonight around 7 or 8pm EST, I should be home by...

    s'all good, looks like I'll need to play you tonight around 7 or 8pm EST, I should be home by then :)
  13. b2j135

    sorry for the late reply...are you free now? I'm going to be heading out around 2pm

    sorry for the late reply...are you free now? I'm going to be heading out around 2pm
  14. b2j135

    we have a VGC round to do :) message me back when your free, I'm good from now until Monday...

    we have a VGC round to do :) message me back when your free, I'm good from now until Monday because I will be assisting my family Showdown ok?
  15. b2j135

