Recent content by Agati

  1. Agati

    Hello! I'm GMT-3. Sunday 12pm GMT-4 is fine for me. Feel free to message me on discord, Agati#3740

    Hello! I'm GMT-3. Sunday 12pm GMT-4 is fine for me. Feel free to message me on discord, Agati#3740
  2. Agati

    Smogon VGCPL II - Player Signups (Custom Avatar Prize)

    Name: Gabriel social media: Agati#3740, @AgatiGa formats: 17, 18 and 19
  3. Agati

    Smogon VGC PL - WEEK 6

    won vs radium, ggs
  4. Agati

    Smogon VGC PL - Player Signups

    Name: Agati Metagames Played: 17, 18, Ultra series Timezone: GMT -3 Inactivity: im free all days
  5. Agati

    Smogon VGC 2021 Major - Confirmation Signups ($1150 in Prizing)

    Battlefy Username: AgatiVGC (Gabriel) Pokemon Showdown Username: Agati Discord Username (include the numbers): Agati#3740