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  • OM Madness Tour, EST (GMT -4). I can’t play until Saturday otherwise I’m pretty available for the most part, Any combination of ZU, AAA, and GG sounds good to me.
    hey, when are you available to play for the random battle mayhem tour? i'm est (gmt -4), i can play almost any time in the next few days
    Hey! You used to be Aragornbird, right? Some years back you mentioned you lost your files and asked for copies of your Pokemon. I have your shiny masterball Kyogre named Rabuka and your masterball mew named Jenova on gen 6. Jenova's marked as problematic by pkHex though because it's English caught, I forget if that's how you RNGed it but it's the only version of your mon I have left.
    I think you also traded me two other things but I haven't banked those yet. Anyways, if you still want the first two for old times sake, just let me know and I'll trade them to you~
    Mew named Jenova is sogood lol
    ph tour -4 prefer evenings
    Sure, let's do it tomorrow evening. Message me @ arkeis on PS. I should be on after 5 pm est
    alright great I wont actually be online until like 8pm tho
    apparently ps is down Im on rom rn if you wanna play
    arkeis can you message me back, i have a few questions for you on heartgold?
    im just wondering what pokemon not on your guide you'd put in the "excellent" category that you have on the guide
    im a really big fan of the guide, ive used it for heart gold since you wrote it
    if this is too much of a pain in the ass for you, let me know
    Greetings Arkeis, we are scheduled to play for Pure Hackmons Tour, Im GMT +1 and available this weekend, preferably afternoon - evening.
    I will stay logged in on Showdown, so see you there.
    Sure, message me when you see me
    hey we play for hackmons tour i’m gmt-5
    free most weekdays after 4PM my time, free almost all day weekends

    I see you on PS all the time so I don’t think we’ll have a problem scheduling
    I was on yesterday night and this morning, but didn't see you on. So I'll just post in the thread about our battle on Saturday
    sounds good
    made a quick post saying you won, I’ve been pretty busy anyway so I wouldn’t have been able to show up for games 2 or 3
    Hey Arkeis, am I allowed to use a painting of yours as a banner for a german pokemon wiki? always have to ask the artist first ;p
    not sure if this is from you so here is the link: (it says your name below so I hope it is yours :3)
    Hey, Arkeis. CAP opened its 3D model workshop, so if you're interested in making model sheets or models of your winning designs, you can post in that thread. :) If not, would you allow others to draw model sheets of your designs?
    Oh that's cool. I'm pretty busy right now, but I'll check it out!
    Arkeis was last seen: Today at 5:03 PM
    Please do something for CAP 20- we miss your art!
    Six years later and we still miss your art
    Holy crap, I remember you back you from YouTube in the spriting age, never would have guessed you were here.
    Hey Arkeis if you could focus your attention on the water/fire startes? I have a good grass starter final right now. I also have a DA artist with a good Abomasnow. We are really close to being done and everyone is stepping on each others toes to fill in the gaps. If you pop up a bit later I'm sure I'll be using your sprites regardless since I know the quality you strive for. Can't wait to see what you come out with.
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