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  • Sure, just let me know when you're ready. Would you rather receive the mew in 5th gen or 4th gen? I'd like the bellsprout in 4th gen.
    Oh, ok. Do you have HG/SS?

    If you do, weatherball is an egg move in those games. The rest of the stats should be the same for the bellsprout.

    I don't need anything else. Let me check real quick if I have that mew.

    EDIT: Yup, I have a timid flawless mew in a cherish ball
    Yeah, I still need 'em. I also have flawless/near flawless versions of almost every legendary pokemon btw, but I just can't list them all. If you're looking for any good IV legendary at all, just let me know which ones you're looking for and I'll see if I have them.

    Anways, what I needed were (in 5th gen):

    shiny vulpix (modest)- drought - 31/31/30/30/30/30 (attack stat can be lower as long as its HP Fighting 70)

    shiny bellsprout (timid) - chlorophyll - egg moves: weatherball, giga drain - 31/30/30/31/31/31 (attack stat can be lower, just needs to be HP Ice 70)

    And yeah, I can help you clone as much as you need.
    Sure - give me 5 minutes, and I'll see you online.

    Note: Ninetails doesn't learn any moves, so you can alternatives just evolve it.
    If you see that we're both on at some time later today, feel free to bug me to give you your stuff!
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