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  • Heya! We play for Z-Less. I'm good to go any day not Monday and prefering afternoon and evenings. GMT+2
    Hey, we are facing each other for MFPL. I'm GMT -4, I can do Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday after 9 pm my time. Let me know what works for you.
    Hey. Wanna do Thursday 9pm your time? We can push to 9:30 if thats better for you
    Ethereal Sword
    Ethereal Sword
    Sure, 9:30 sounds good. See you then!
    Hey, we play MFPL, I'm gmt+2. Can u play by any chance tuesday evening my time ? If not, friday evening would be the best for me, or my morning early (~7am) any weekday
    Hello, Poor man Mono tour.
    I'm GMT+2
    I can play from 7pm to 10pm the week (excepting Tuesday) and from 9am to 9pm the weekend.
    Hey! I am -4. Want to shoot for Saturday? Id prefer at least afternoon or later. Any time that works best for you?
    We can play 7pm GMT+2 Saturday, is it ok for u?
    Yes, that works
    hey ndmpl! I'm gmt+2 and I can play almost every evening/night my time but I prefer Sunday evening if can work to you
    Hey! I am -4. Would you be able to do Friday? My schedule should be pretty open that day
    Sure! What about 7pm+2?
    Sounds good
    NDMPL Week 4 - heya!
    My timezone is EDT (GMT-4) so that's 4:22PM as of writing this. I'm usually free weekend mornings and early afternoons - MAYBE Friday for this week since I have that day off. Please respond with a time that works for you.
    Yo, NDMPL. Timezone? Mine is +1. I owuld like to play on friday, saturday or sunday in my dayhours.
    Hey Chungus. Timezone is -5 for me. Im good with playing this weekend, maybe we can shoot for Saturday?
    Big Chungus irl
    Big Chungus irl
    Should be good, how about Noon your time?
    That works, noon it is
    hi when for ndmpl, i'm -5. prefer nights
    Hey I am -5 as well. I will be available tonight if that works. Any specific time best for you?
    would 10pm work?
    Sure sounds good
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