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  • Hello we play for smogon seasonal am gmt+7 available weekdays (except tuesday) 8pm-10pm and weekends 10am-10pm or whenever u see me online in showdown when r u available
    hi when do you want to play for the smogon lcq?

    Does anytime on Thursday work? Thats the day I have the most time this week, other than that let me know what times work for you and Ill see what I can do

    I am gmt-5
    im gmt-7, I can play any time from 4:00-9:45 gmt-7 on thursday, if that works for you?
    lets do 4:30 gmt-7 on thursday
    4:30 sounds great! I was thinking about doing 5:00 because I’d get a couple practice matches, but 4:30 is still totally ok with me
    Hey ik u flutterfan ;D I destroyed u on that bo3 we did together lol. Are you excited for the last chance reg g VGC tour? I signed up and saw u did aswell lol.
    yeah, I’m probably gonna experiment with some unorthodox comps. considering we only have worlds for the rest of reg g and for non-worlds players, we can just have fun.
    What unorthodox strat would you use? Im planning on one myself and so far I have 3 in mind. Minimize muk and smeargle, Perish Trap, and Wo-Chien-Kyogre "stall" (Although the third one is not technically stall, It has stall mechanics. It got top 8 at NAIC and I also have gotten runner up in the VGC room tours three times with it, winning against players such as: You, moonybunny, thacrow, and tatsugiri i~
    im currently using an araquanid trick room team with caly-I, might also use a more underexplored restricted here or there, or possibly just something standard
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