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  • Hi there! I’m your opponent for round 4 of the Spring Seasonal. My timezone is GMT-5 and I most free on all of Sunday so long as it’s not between 2 and 7 pm, although if needed, I could fit most other days in as a tight squeeze at 6:30 pm. When would you like to have our match?
    i am a zigzagoon. i haev a big bewwi and i dwum my bewwi w/ hands if you dont wepost this comment on 10 othew pages i wiww get a 4x atk boost and espeed uw team
    hey w_r is playing masters, basically his phone is not with him so he cant post replays for masters. so can he submit the replays directly to u ?
    his disc is: w_r
    Hey friend! We are up for draft summer seasonal. Any preferred times to play? My TZ is -4
    Hi. I should be good most of the time during the afternoon / evening this weekend (GMT -3). Want to try and schedule this for like Saturday around like 7 pm your time?
    pspl when? I'm -6 and free pretty much any reasonable time
    Hi, sorry, I missed the notif from this. I should be available tomorrow or during the weekend during my afternoons and evenings (gmt -3). Want to schedule for like saturday sometime in your afternoon? Like 3 pm gmt -6?
    3 pm -6 saturday sounds great. See you then.
    Hey, we play for PSPL, I’m -4 and generally able to play most times from 4-8pm weekdays (except Thursday) and 1pm-5pm Sunday, my time. Let me know what time works best for you, my Saturday schedule is up in the air rn but there’s probably some time that will be available
    Would friday around 6pm gmt-4 work for you?
    Found then Lost
    Found then Lost
    Works for me. See you then?
    Alright, see you at that time then
    Heya when you free for NatDex draft and ORAS draft? I'm gmt-7 and can do thursday, friday, weekends all day
    yo we play in oras, when are you avail. I am GMT -5, usually available at night and weekends.
    lc draft, -4 are you available Wednesday afternoon? Also can play sat
    Wednesday afternoon should be good. I'm GMT-3. Want to schedule this for like 3 pm your time / 4 pm my time?
    i have another set scheduled at that time but should be good to go right after
    Hi, I'm in your draft pool for the usum daft league and I'm GMT -4 and I'm usually the freest on weekends. I'd appreciate if we can schedule from the 11th to the 15th for the game since I'm busy with school and either earlier in the day (9 am-2 pm) or sometime after 8 pm. Does this work for you?
    I have a match this Friday and Monday for this tournament, so those days are taken. After 9 pm on one of those days is fine for me. I'd prefer if we can choose Wednesday since my schedule is completely clean that day, but I don't care which day we choose.
    Wednesday around 8-10 pm your time should be fine.
    Ok. let's do 9 pm to be in the middle.
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