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  • hi we're paired for the yugioh goat format tour, im gmt 0. When would you like to play?
    hey when do you want to play for zomog tour, im gmt -6 and i can play thursday during the day, sat morning, and sunday all day. lmk whens good
    nc1997, can do fri-sun 1-6:30pm + 9-11pm your time except cases ill mention if they come up
    sure lets do sunday 10pm my time
    Hey Cicada, im tracking a player from 2021 who was called LT83AQ Comus
    By any chance, do you know anything about him? Maybe any social media, or another nickname, or even if he ever said something about going to another game? or maybe a steam name? anything will help me finding my friend
    Thank you for reading!
    sur mon front ya pas ecrit pages jaunes
    Hey Cicada, im tracking a player from 2021 who was called LT83AQ Comus
    By any chance, do you know anything about him? Maybe any social media, or another nickname, or even if he ever said something about going to another game? or maybe a steam name? anything will help me finding my friend
    Thank you for reading!
    demande a ta mere
    Hey Cicada, im tracking a player from 2021 who was called LT83AQ Comus
    By any chance, do you know anything about him? Maybe any social media, or another nickname, or even if he ever said something about going to another game? or maybe a steam name? anything will help me finding my friend
    Thank you for reading!
    Hello! We're paired up for the OST. I'm GMT 0. I would like to play on the weekend. Give me a time, please.
    Also, what's your name on PS? Mine is the same as my Forum name.
    yo, adv cup. im gmt+3, can play either rn/tmrw or at the end of next week. when?
    yea just got on my account, wasnt able to play this week
    i can play tmrw morning-afternoon and like whole sunday
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