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  • hey man, i don't really have any B/W pokemon, and ever since my thread got deleted here (*sniffle*), i've been pretty depressed when it comes to pokemon. :\
    I wouldn't say that. You just need some experience with stuff. I'm guessing you had that mentality before we even started battling, because you were just about to give me the win if it disconnected again, and you shouldn't do that.

    Just keep battling, you'll see you can make good use of a strategy.

    A tip: You may not want to use Stored Power if it's your only attacking move. Its base power depends heavily on the amount of boosts it has, and chances are you may not get a chance to set it up very often in such an offensive metagame.
    GG, though I think you should have brought Gastrodon sooner.

    Can't say I'm not happy with my Tiburona.
    yup got White, beat the main story and had a blast.

    now i'm trying to acquire a few competativ mons to try out my first crack at the 5th Gen metagame, but no one wants to trade for anything but 5th Gen right now it seems. ;)

    i might have to learn the RNG myself or something! horror of horrors!
    gg im shocked that galade outsped my arcaine mine is max speed and was using extreamspeed goodgame
    If you still need help with the evolutions let me know I would be glad to help you. It would also help me complete my platinum pokedex seen/caught goal.
    oh ok - the only problem with that for me is that desmume runs super slow on my computer, lol (videos recorded from it still play fine though). I know I could just record it with desmume's built in thing, play it in media player, then record it with camstudio from there. Do you know how to get no$gba to properly reads pokemon game save files though (instead of saying "the ROM image has crashed" when you press continue)? That's the only one I've found that works fine on my computer.
    Hey, I saw your youtube channel and was wondering - how do you record only the top screen during battle videos (assuming you play the battle videos on a ds emu)?
    GG.That Crit on Mr.Mime mattered but whatever. D: I should've set up a Calm Mind first.
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