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  • Are one of your Shiny Charizards for sell? I will trade you a shiny Jirachi for it.
    I don't have any, I'm only starting the project. Where did you get this Jirachi?
    Someone traded it to me via local trade. It is official since it does indeed have the event date and Location met correct as well as the note.
    I'm aware it needs to be 31, I said the O is a product of the database that holds hidden power data. I just didn't change the O to a 31 that's all. Heh.

    Example of print: "Hidden Power Flying: 31/E/31/30/30/30, 30/O/31/30/30/30, 31/O/31/30/30/30, 30/E/30/30/30/31"
    I'm aware of this nomenclature. I was just saying, since that person was looking for pentagon Thundurus, then it needs to have at least 3x 31 IV Stats, in which, the spread 31/O/31/30/30/30 has to have 31 as the Odd stat.
    Well you quoted me when you posted it which is telling me information I already know. If it was directed to the other user then I misunderstood your intention. It's cool, thanks for trying to help them.
    Just being clear there. The O needs to be 31 period. Not any odd. When calling HPs you list O or E just to identify that particular IV needs to be O/E. In this particular case, while it's true the IV has to be Odd, it strictly has to be 31. I saw no point on calling it "O". The user would get confused especially if they're not too familiar with HPs. That's all.
    I don't mind - I've sent the Landorus, but if we can't get our availabilities to match up then I'm happy to do the rest by GTS too
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