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  • ubers ssnl -5 find me on discord Will#6786
    cb aaron judge
    cb aaron judge
    posted activity due to your failure to respond deadline is in 26.5 hrs & I will be unavailable most of the day as I will be celebrating my birthday!
    yo, I don't have much time to play tomorrow for tlt cause I'm gonna be quite busy working. can you try to get me a time we can play or smth and i can fit it in
    hey when do you wanna play for tlt? im est
    saw your message on showdown while i was afk.. can play tomorrow (later in your time) at the respective times you had originally
    So there is no reason for me to give you guys an extension because you have no reason other than poor scheduling from both sides, so either get this done in the next 2 hours or it will be coinflipped
    Chinese food lover
    ok i can play rn if u can
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