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  • We’re paired for RBY seasonal, I’m GMT -4. I can play today - Wednesday from 6 pm to 9 pm, Friday from 6 pm to 10 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm, and Sunday from 10 am to 9 pm.
    we play for rby ou summer seasonal r2. i'm gmt-7. afternoons/evenings on any day this week are fine for me
    sounds good, see you then!
    sparks bloom
    Rad! I'm on main, send chall to sparks bloom there when you're ready.
    hi so sorry for being late but i'm here now! ready whenever you are
    hey we have to play for gsc cup
    -3 here, online usually 9PM-3AM
    when is good for u? free on weekends
    sparks bloom
    Hey, sorry I took so long to get back to you here. Could we do next Sunday, maybe around 7 PM your time?
    Hey, we're opponents for RBY OU Global Championship. I can play after 6pm GMT-4 on Wednesday and Friday and anytime this weekend. What time works for you?
    Gsc ubers, +2, free most day thursday to sunday, lmk what works
    sparks bloom
    Would your 6-9 PM on Friday work?
    9pm on friday works
    early but im on main as vani, hmu whenever youre ready
    Hey, rby tradebacks. I am GMT+3 from Wednesday and will not have much time at all, so early morning or late at night my time would be best. When are you free?
    BW ZU, -4 free evenings wbu
    sparks bloom
    I could probably do tonight — 7 PM yr time? If that doesn’t work let’s say 7 PM your time on Wednesday.
    7pm wednesday should be fine i'll cya then
    Hi we're paired for BW ZU. I'm +0 Mon-Sat and +1 on Sun. Can do all Tue/Sun up to 9pm, Wed/Fri 7-11am, Sat 2-9pm, maybe all Wed if you lmk asap. lmk what works.
    When you wanna play for the ADV Challenge Cup tournament? I am on spring break I am legit open any reasonable time EXCEPT Wednesday. I am GMT-5!
    sparks bloom
    How does tonight work? I’m GMT-8, could we say 8 PM your time?
    I'm down for 8:00PM my time!
    I'll be on main as LRXC
    hey bud we're matched for adv uu roa spotlight. im gmt-5 and prefer to play past 8pm my time but if that doesnt work i can make the afternoon work too. i prefer any day thats not today or thursday. let me know your preferences
    sparks bloom
    Ah, I’m sorry, would you mind doing 8 PM your time Wednesday instead? Had the days swapped in my head.
    thats fine!
    ill be online as kenny on main
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