Shonen Bat
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  • Hey, the current Megas For All slate is actually Alolan Ninetales/Delphox/Zoroark do you can only submit for those three. So if you’d delete your Tsareena for now that’d be great. You can join the discord (linked in the thread) for feedback on it, though! Sorry for the inconvenience, have a nice day!
    Shonen Bat
    Shonen Bat
    Okay, thanks for letting me know. Where should I post it, if you don't mind my asking? I'm really shy about talking to people in general so stuff like this isn't all that easy.
    I’m not sure? Haha the mod is giving megas to all fully evolved Pokémon and so it’ll take us a bit to get around to it, I think.
    The Discord (theres a channel specifically for future submissions) is probably still best even if you’re shy, it’s not like a super massive server or anything. Or- you can PM the idea to me and I’ll give you some feedback on it myself! It looked pretty rad, from what I saw of it. :blobwizard:
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