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Clawed Nyasu
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  • Hey, Nyasu I don't know how much of it was DJTHED's work vs. yours, but Kerfluffle looks really crisp and accurate. *_* Either way, you are very talented!

    I'm not actually one of the people who QCs models, just for future reference. You'll want to refer to QxC or Zephias there!
    Clawed Nyasu
    Clawed Nyasu
    Ah, good to know! xD; I wasn't sure who all had to be pinged and I figured I'd add you just in case since you were the topic creator.

    And having DJTHED's model to work with certainly sped things up! I just made a bunch of subtle proportion tweaks to make it more on-model and easier to rig.
    Hi, Nyasu! I really like the progress pics of Kitsunoh that you've been posting in the thread. ^_^ I'm posting this here because I don't feel like I have any constructive feedback on the model; keep up the awesome work! :D

    A lot of the modeling folks talk with each other on the CAP Discord server, if you're ever interested in saying "hi". I'd love to see you and chat in real-time!
    Clawed Nyasu
    Clawed Nyasu
    Aaa, thanks!! ^^ I'll check it out sometime!
    I saw a comment from a clawednyasu on YouTube on an avatar abridged episode. I thought I recognized the name from somewhere. Was that your comment? Something about drills?
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