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  • yo man, ORAS ssnl, I'm GMT +2, what's yours ? I can from 5PM to 9PM my time more days than not. What about you ? Lmk.
    Hey we gotta play for ORAS GC, when can you play? GMT +2 here
    Hi, I'm -4 gmt. I can play tomorrow at 1 pm my time. I'm also mostly free today if you want to play, discord is Zanders#6385. Just lmk what time and day works for you if you can't tomorrow or today.
    yo, we'll be opponent for oras ssnl, would u like to play this week or u prefer to wait the next week ?
    Hey, next week would probably work best since I'm really busy with exams coming up. If you can do April 8 or April 9 that would help me a lot. My discord is Zanders#6385 if you want to msg me directly on those days.
    Np gl
    I'm on main now, chall when ur ready
    Hey, we play for the ORAS Seasonal. My time zone is GMT-5 (GMT-4 starting Sunday). I'd prefer to play at 3 p.m. this Saturday or after 12 p.m. on Sunday. If those times aren't convenient for you, I am also available weekday evenings. Let me know what works best!
    ORAS im gmt-7. weekdays 7-9pm my time or weekend morning like 9am-noon are best for me
    I can do Thursday at 7pm your time, does that work?
    Perfect, see you then
    I'm on when youre ready
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