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  • nice ladybug nerd
    You may want to reread my concept. I am calling for its entire movepool to be one type.
    Even so, we know what that looks like. A pile of support moves, most likely Normal, Poison, or Dark, or a grossly overstatted offensive Flying or Normal type
    I will not be available today, Or on a Tuesdays, or Thursdays in general I Cannot ensure activity
    Hi, when match for CapTT? I'm GMT -5 (-4 with DST on now) and can play 7-10 PM on weekdays or anytime you see my online on weekends. I'll be idling in the smogdubs or cap room
    [08:30] <TIBot> Volt Switch 98.832% | Hydro Pump 98.318% | Will-O-Wisp 93.131% | Pain Split 80.236% | Rest 8.779% | Trick 6.947% | Other 13.756%
    rotom-w does not run thunderbolt.
    shield dust also does nothing against gengar.
    It stops his Shadow Ball from dropping SpDef, and that's really all that Shield Dust offers outside of Scald prevention given that we already have a poison immunity, we resist all the flinch moves, and the Flamethrower users take too much from our STAB.
    Since I can't in the thread I'll do it here. I want to address your Rotom-W reasoning. The ONLY rotom-w spread that is run/common is the defensive set. there is no viability in running any trick or offensive set due to the presence of pokemon like Talonflame and Sand Rush excadrill as well as Azumarill to name a few.
    Rotom-w might have a few "tricks" but they are not at all viable in this current meta and should not be listed as reasoning for using water absorb over water veil. so this standard rotom set that "won't wreck our rear" is the only and most popular Rotom run set this gen except by possibly inexperienced players on the ladder
    But as I also pointed out in that thread, even the defensive set is horrible to deal with. Adamant Azumarill can't punch through Rotom-W with STAB neutral attacks, so even with a Dragon Dance up, it seems silly to assume that we can hit it when our neutral attacks aren't STAB. CAP also needs to be set up already in order for the Calm Mind set to not get struck out by repeated Thunderbolts to the dome, especially since our current plan at this point seems to be to skew CAP towards Physical Defense. Further, CAPs problem with Rotom-W isn't his Will-O-Wisp, it's that Rotom is a slow Volt Switcher. Even assuming the Calm Mind set could best Rotom-W with enough set-up and Will-O-Wisp immunity, it can just Volt Switch into a fast physical attacker while keeping said attacker from taking damage from a switch-in. The only way to make this avoidable is to make it the Calm Mind set slower than Rotom-W, but then the Dragon Dance set won't be faster than Keldeo. When you get down to it, the biggest threat Rotom-W poses is being able to switch in while we're setting up, and then get in the answer safely, which is a problem we simply can't deal with unless we can knock out the Wash decisively, which requires Grass coverage.
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