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  • Medical procedure? Hope that goes well, get well man.
    Endoscopic sinus surgery. Nothing dire, though I need it nonetheless. Appreciate the well wishes.
    The Room is ready, I hope to give you a 100 Wins update sometime in the coming year
    "Claudio" and Josh are wondering are your AV set's spread is, the latter is trying a Z-variant with 252 HP/252 Atk spread and will probably change things up later
    First, thank you for enticing me to check- I noticed something amiss with Primarina and came to find out it had attack EVs. I dun goofed. Remedied that immediately. Anyway, spreads:

    Golem - 188/252/68
    Muk - 200/252/56
    Exeggutor - 236/52/220
    Marowak - 252/188/68
    Snorlax - 52/252/188/12
    Primarina - 252/52/204
    Vikavolt - 212/252/44
    Crabominable - 184/252/72
    Wishiwashi - 228/220/60
    Mudsdale, Araquanid - 252/252/4
    Shiinotic - 252/156/100
    Bewear - 100/212/36/156 wasted point blah
    Golisopod - 244/252/12
    Palossand - 116/140/252
    Drampa - 196/60/252
    Dhelmise - 196/252/60
    Guzzlord - 252/28/228
    Incineroar - 228/252/28
    Toxapex - 252/228/28
    Lurantis - 252/252/4
    Komala - 236/252/20
    Turtonator - 236/36/236
    Kommo-o - 244/12/252
    Tapu Bulu - 252/252/4
    Tapu Fini - 244/12/252
    Buzzwole, Celesteela - 252/252/4

    A lengthy post with some redundancy but now you've got them all in one place. (fuck PMs lol) Apart from setters and some older AV users, everyone else runs max/max like you've set up.

    That said, I don't recommend deviating from my spreads for several of them if you plan to use my builds, but I can understand not wanting to retrain.
    Curious if you are currently updating the Google doc for your TR roster, as the doc itself is currently only listing the Nidoqueen set, everything else looks to have been cut out
    Well, since I'm trying to use the original, unchanged sets as intended, I have to refer to the old doc just to remember what items to stick on which sets. It's a lot of stuff to try and remember.
    Fair enough. New doc is updated and any changes can be applied to the old version if possible. I did forget some things, like the hold item I had on Bisharp, but I'm leaning toward Dread Plate.
    Dread Plate is correct, I can help you fill any holes if you forgot or are unsure about anything else.
    BTW, the doc is currently set to Private, I've sent a permission-asking notification
    So, is adman2 about to become your apprentice or something? Next thing you know, you'll recommend he use Iron Ball Gardevoir
    Ehhhhh it takes a special kind of person to use my shitmons and actually win with them. You don't use IBG without a license
    I've been lurking the Tree thread(currently at like 160 with a team that i'm literally only playing for a good multis partner, which will be revealed soon...) and I just now realized that a breeding project i did like a year ago(shiny gligar, with the immunity breedjects nicknamed BushDid9/11 and wt'd) has managed to come back to me. idk what im feeling rn becuase its 1am but im feeling something
    lol that was you? Lemme check the OT.. Colton. That's hilarious if it really is yours.
    average fella
    average fella
    yeah its Colton with a bunch of spaces at the end. i must have traded like 500+ of them out but its still surreal that i actually... see one.
    Yeah, that's the same Colton on this one. Hilarious. I wish I could say I knew someone who got my WT rejects but I don't name them anything that would stand out enough to get comments. Whatever cool coincidence lol
    You wouldn't happen to be on eShop right now, would you? I'm on now, if you still want your free Pyroar
    actually I had just finished editing a megarupt bit into the previous post haha :] would be nice if you could quickly look over it because I don't really know that much to say about it
    Also, since the browser exploit now allows us to generate new pokemon at will, that could potentially increase the total amount of pokemon available for random team selection. While I am curious to see what mons you have available, and would be tempted to make QR codes of them, I fear that would take a great deal of work to make public.
    If you're really interested, within the next couple days I'll put some effort into updating my spreadsheet and send you the link so you can see my entire roster. I'd be happy to explain my reasoning behind some move choices also.
    Thank you for your analysis of your Beheeyem team. I love creative team building that gives use to niche, forgotten pokemon like that. That's the kind of team that makes this thread exciting to me.
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