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  • bro i noticed you checking out the restored replay archive, you wouldn't happen to have any old logs from back in the day that we missed would you?
    gotei(13) hyorinmaru
    Hey man, I might, but the computer I had my logs saved on died last year. I can try to take the hard drive out to check sometime in the next couple weeks though!
    that would be great! anying would be much appreciated
    hey when rby ssnl im gmt+1
    gotei(13) hyorinmaru
    I have Friday off work, so that would be best for me. I’m gmt-7. Any chance we could do 2:30 my time 10:30 your time? (Have a few appointments earlier in the day, but could potentially do a little earlier.)
    gotei(13) hyorinmaru
    Sorry, to clarify, 2:30 pm my time 10:30 pm your time
    gotei(13) hyorinmaru
    Hey, just double-checking, does that time work for tomorrow? If not, what’s your availability look like?
    yes, i'm sorry, had to go to this thing I wasn't informed about. any chance you'll have a laptop or computer you can use there?
    Hey, sorry I didn't log on yesterday, but I'm unfortunately going to be at school until around 4 mountain time, so perhaps Friday evening can work?
    I still have to confirm my team, I've been extremely busy because I went to this robotics world completion, thus making me make up lots of work. Send me a VM if you have a preferred time in mind at this point.
    Cool beans.
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